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Wilhelmina Randtke

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Wilhelmina Randtke

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I saw this blog post, which is really interesting. "What is a Machine Learning Librarian" . It is by the Machine Learning Librarian with Huggingface. Huggingface is an AI company with offerings similar to ChatGPT. In ...
I'm Wilhelmina Randtke (I use "Mina" for short). I'm interested in this group claiming the role of libraries in artificial intelligence. Machine learning and analyzing large amounts of text started out heavily rooted in my field, which actually is government documents and libraries. Because that's where ...
Posted By Wilhelmina Randtke Aug 01, 2023 07:52 AM
Found In Egroup: GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)
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She should get pricing and then request that the university purchase her a Lexis Nexis or Westlaw subscription.  With a multi-year contract, she probably can get monthly pricing down to around $65 for her seat to have a basic state and federal plan.  For someone working full time in law, the secondary ...
Posted By Wilhelmina Randtke Jul 27, 2023 08:59 AM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Facilities and Interiors Interest Group
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Does anyone have a recommendation for a barcode scanner for a checkout desk, which can scan physical barcodes as well as scan off a screen? We are having to change our barcode scanners, due to the need to scan off a cell phone screen as well as off of books. With barcode scanners, I can look up the ...
For anyone attending ALA Annual, here are some presentations and posters relating to artificial intelligence: ------------------------ Saturday, June 24, 2023 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM CT Core Top Ten Technology Trends: Libraries Take On ChatGPT Location: Hilton Chicago, Continental B Presenter: ...
AI and machine learning interest group, The U.S. federal government is currently in the process of regulating artificial intelligence (AI) ethics. The President's Office of Science and Technology Policy has a list of questions posted for the public to provide input on what artificial intelligence ...
Apologies for belatedly posting about this. This past year, I've periodically been checking the Federal Register, and there has been a drip drip of government action on regulating artificial intelligence within specific industries. Right now, there's a much more general ask from the National Telecommunications ...
Mary, I am interested in co-moderating an e-forum on large language models. Best, -Wilhelmina ------------------------------ Wilhelmina Randtke Head of Libraries Systems and Technologies Georgia Southern University ------------------------------