Access and Equity Dedicated to advocacy and equity in areas such as accessibility, copyright, dismantling systemic racism, equity of access, open access, net neutrality, privacy, and representative collections in all types of libraries. We support ALA's lobbying efforts in these areas and provide programming and training in support of equity, diversity, and inclusion, both within the division and the profession.
Buildings and Operations Brings together librarians, library workers, and design professionals to analyze, discuss, and share information related to academic, public, and school library buildings, equipment, and furnishings. We share ideas and knowledge to help members stay engaged on changing trends in organizational structures, services, staff operations, and facilities. We also identify and promote adoption of best practices for inclusive practices and design. Topics addressed include, but are not limited to, library site selection; building planning and architecture; library furniture and equipment; interior design; maintenance and security of buildings and property; disaster recovery. |
Leadership and Management Provides librarians and library staff from any positional level or library type who desire to impact the broader profession a space to connect around the fundamental proficiencies and knowledge necessary to lead a successful organization. We explore and develop members' skills to create an inspiring vision, motivate people, and manage complex projects. We also help connect larger theoretical constructs to real, practical experiences. Join a network of colleagues who understand and want to help each other succeed...because when we succeed, libraries succeed, and when libraries succeed, everyone benefits.
Metadata and Collections Addresses and improves all aspects of acquisitions, cataloging, collections, continuing resources, metadata, preservation, reformatting, and technical services in all types of libraries. Examples of our work include, but are not limited to, sharing best practices and knowledge in work areas that support collections and discovery; identifying best practices for equity, diversity, and inclusion in the development and description of collections; creation and input on standards and best practices for selection, acquisition, description, access, and preservation of information resources; preservation of both print, media, and digital resources.
Preservation Brings together seasoned professionals, new and emerging leaders, and anyone interested in preservation or who has preservation as a secondary responsibility. Our community addresses and improves all aspects of library preservation in all types of libraries. Examples of our work include but are not limited to: Sharing best practices and knowledge related to preservation; Identifying best practices for equity, diversity, and inclusion in the field of preservation; Creation and input on standards and best practices for preservation of library content in all forms, including print, digital, audio, and moving images; and Fostering leadership development for preservation in Core and the field.
Technology Includes anyone in libraries, archives, museums, and information-related organizations interested in leading edge technology and applications for librarians and information providers, everyone from absolute beginners to hi-tech professionals. We address the planning, development, design, application, and integration of technologies within the library and information environment, the impact of emerging technologies on library service, and the effect of automated technologies on people. Our work includes, but is not limited to, identifying and adopting of best practices for inclusive practices and design; making ALA information policy concrete for members and the profession by providing resources, tools, training, and community support for adoption and implementation; helping librarians to understand emerging technologies and translate them into actionable plans for library services; bridging the technology related needs and discussions across all types of libraries and operational areas.