Core Buildings and Operations Section

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Library Leadership and Managmerent

Latest Articles

  • The Association of Professional School Librarians in Indonesia (“APISI”) is a self-funded private organization established in 2006. Starting with a small group of enthusiastic school librarians, APISI now maintains hundreds of members nationwide and...
  • Compared to other professionals, librarians in Indonesia are less recognized as belonging to a profession. Rather than information professionals, librarians in Indonesia are seen as technical, clerical, and administrative staff. This paper discusses...
  • Covid-19 led to a dramatic change in the academic library work environment, with many workers shifting to a hybrid work schedule once they returned to in person work. The authors describe the impact of this schedule shift through the novel use of the...
  • Mentorship provides opportunities for both novice and experienced catalogers to develop their skills and learn what it means to catalog in a cooperative environment. Often libraries do not have the resources to provide specialized training for the...

About the B&O Section

Our community brings together librarians, library workers, and design professionals to analyze, discuss, and share information related to academic, public, and school library buildings, equipment, and furnishings.  We share ideas and knowledge to help members stay engaged on changing trends in organizational structures, services, staff operations, and facilities. We also identify and promote adoption of best practices for inclusive practices and design.

Topics addressed include, but are not limited to:

  • Library site selection;
  • Building planning and architecture;
  • Library furniture and equipment;
  • Interior design;
  • Maintenance and security of buildings and property;
  • Disaster recovery.