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Dr. Erik Nordberg

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Erik Nordberg

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Posted By Erik Nordberg Jul 08, 2024 03:52 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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A reminder of our monthly drop-in zoom gathering Wednesday, July 10 - YES, that's this week! Share experiences with your colleagues in a safe online environment. Bring any current challenges you face for free advice from the hive mind. One member would like to discuss Integrated Library Systems as they ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Apr 17, 2024 09:50 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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Hello All: Cinthya and I continue to enjoy our work as your co-chairs for the ALA Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group. But we don't want to hog the limelight or dominate the group. So as we near the end of another annual cycle, we open the doors for volunteers to become involved in managing ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Apr 17, 2024 09:43 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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Here are a few notes from our IG discussion on May 10 concerning budgets and accounting. 1. Most of the time was spent on the topic of funding for professional development, training, continuing education and travel: · Some institutions support upwards of $750 or even $2,000 per annum; others have ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Mar 14, 2024 06:26 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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We'll look to the numbers for our informal drop-in zoom session on Wednesday, April 10 , to engage and share experiences with budgets, accounting, and ways to improve the efficiency and impact of our limited resources. Bring your questions to the hive mind of library leaders and managers; we may not ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Feb 29, 2024 12:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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Your LL&M Interest Group is offering a twofer in March! Two virtual events for the same low price as just the one (okay, so they're actually free, but still one low price). Thursday, March 7, at 10am PST / 11am MTN / 12pm CST / 1pm EST "Drop-in Therapy Session for Leadership and Management Challenges" ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Feb 20, 2024 10:36 AM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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In addition to our regular monthly "Library Lounge" session, the Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group will also host a general drop-in session as part of Core's "Interest Group Week." The event is scheduled for Thursday, March 7 at 10am PST -- 11am MTN -- 12pm CST -- 1pm EST/ We're billing it ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Feb 15, 2024 07:24 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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We had an active discussion at our Library Lounge event on February 14. Here are some notes I took from that discussion and I've integrated some additional notes from a similar event for academic librarians in the state of Tennessee. Quotes are taken from the chat box in our zoom room, but names have ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Feb 07, 2024 10:20 AM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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Many of us host tutoring, testing, writing, counseling, teaching and learning centers in our library buildings. And what about that coffee shop that displaced your new book exhibit? We'll convene an informal drop-in zoom session Wednesday, February 14, to discuss non-library units and services that are ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Jan 10, 2024 06:55 AM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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Today's event will begin at 10am PST -- 11am MTN -- 12pm CST -- 1pm EST. Zoom link for this meeting: Join Meeting ======================== Happy New Year, library leaders and managers. You spent weeks and months looking forward to the holiday break, but now it is over! We'll convene an ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Jan 09, 2024 11:13 AM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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CORRECTED TIME ADDED Happy New Year, library leaders and managers. You spent weeks and months looking forward to the holiday break, but now it is over! We'll convene an informal drop in zoom session Wednesday, January 10 to commiserate about the end of the break - but also to get each other motivated ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Dec 09, 2023 07:47 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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Passing along information from Susan about the event this week. ------- On Wednesday, Dec 13 I will be leading our group zoom discussion on the topic of neurodiversity. The discussion is scheduled for 60 minutes at 1:00 eastern / 12:00 central / 11:00 mountain / 10:00 Pacific. The Topics: Staff Neurodiversity ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Nov 29, 2023 04:59 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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Susan Klopper, Director of the Goizueta Business Library at Emory University, will lead our next group zoom discussion on Wednesday, December 13. She writes: Many, if not all of us, manage neurodiverse staff, but there is a huge gap in resources that we, as managers, need in order to support the success ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Apr 24, 2023 08:26 AM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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Another response, shared to me through a private message: ---------------------------------------------------------- We've also struggled in the Libraries and across campus with recruitment since the pandemic. Here are a few variables we've identified: - rural location - housing scarcity/cost - limited ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Apr 18, 2023 04:14 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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Is it just me, or does it seem strange that on the one hand library leaders are experiencing recruiting challenges,  while on the other, recent grads complain about how hard it is to get a first interview for an entry-level job?  I keep hearing how "saturated" the industry is with the increased number ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Apr 17, 2023 07:06 AM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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What do you see as the primary obstacles to recruiting strong candidate pools? Are these idiosyncratic to your institution - location, size/status of your institution, unusually compressed pay scales? Or so sense larger, national trends that are impacting recruitment? It's quick and easy to hit the ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Apr 07, 2023 01:56 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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I often find that many HR challenges are caused by an imbalance in expectations between an individual employee and their supervisor.  This is often the fault of a poor position description, insufficient onboarding, and poor communication.  While there are some cases where an employee is lazy or lacks ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Apr 07, 2023 01:50 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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So what have been some of the challenges you've faced? And how did you resolve them?  Or did you not resolve them and welcome advice from the LLMIG hive mind? ------------------------------ Erik Nordberg Dean of the Paul Meek Library University of Tennessee at Martin He/Him/His ----------------- ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Apr 07, 2023 01:22 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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Here we are already a week into April.  Hoping your showers are preemptive to May flowers. During April, we will open our discussion to matters of human resources and personnel. We will post discussion prompts here and invite you to share your experiences and/or challenges.   We will conclude the ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Mar 27, 2023 12:57 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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We will conclude this month's theme with an informal, lightly moderated, synchronous zoom discussion session around the topic of remote and hybrid work on Thursday, March 30, at 9am PST/10am MTN/11am CST/12pm EST .  Participants can stop in for a minute, or stay for the entire session.  Participants ...
Posted By Erik Nordberg Mar 13, 2023 02:27 PM
Found In Egroup: Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
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As managers and leaders, what are the downsides of offering hybrid and fully remote work options? Some of our previous discussion has touched on this, but it may be good to dig into this side of the debate under a specific/separate thread.  I fear that for some, the expectation for full-time, in-person, ...