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Ana Elisa De Campos Salles

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Ana Elisa De Campos Salles

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Posted By Ana Elisa De Campos Salles Jun 27, 2024 01:43 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Good Morning Sophia, Thank you for drafting this wonderful resolution for Satia. I would also be honored to second, thank you. Ana Elisa Ana Elisa de Campos SallesALA Executive BoardBudget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC)she, her, hers 2011 ALA Spectrum Scholar2013 ALA Emerging Leader
Posted By Ana Elisa De Campos Salles Apr 10, 2024 05:15 PM
Found In Egroup: SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)
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Congratulations to all the newly-elected and returning SRRT Action Council members and a big thank you to Patti for stepping up and running for member-at-large candidate! I hope you will consider running again. Warmly, Ana Elisa Ana Elisa de Campos SallesALA Executive BoardBudget Analysis and Review ...
Posted By Ana Elisa De Campos Salles Feb 12, 2024 09:46 PM
Found In Egroup: Sustainability Round Table Members Community
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ALA President Emily Drabinski announced a call for volunteers to serve on the ALA Core Values Working Groups. Per Council Document #34, approved at the recent LibLearnX 2024 meeting, the ALA Executive Board will assign working groups, committees, or round tables to write interpretations for each Core ...
ALA President Emily Drabinski announced a call for volunteers to serve on the ALA Core Values Working Groups. Per Council Document #34, approved at the recent LibLearnX 2024 meeting, the ALA Executive Board will assign working groups, committees, or round tables to write interpretations for each Core ...
Posted By Ana Elisa De Campos Salles Feb 05, 2024 09:03 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Congratulations to everyone who ran and to the newly elected members of the board! Many thanks to all of you! Ana Elisa Ana Elisa de Campos SallesALA Executive BoardBudget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC)she, her, hers 2011 ALA Spectrum Scholar2013 ALA Emerging Leader
Posted By Ana Elisa De Campos Salles Feb 23, 2023 10:06 AM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Good Morning! May be of interest to scholars attending the upcoming Annual and LLX conferences. Thank you, Ana Elisa de Campos SallesALA Executive BoardBudget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC)she, her, hers 2011 ALA Spectrum Scholar2013 ALA Emerging Leader ---------- Forwarded message --------- ...
Posted By Ana Elisa De Campos Salles Jan 31, 2023 12:03 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Hi Alex, Please include me as well. Safe travels, everyone! Ana Elisa
Posted By Ana Elisa De Campos Salles Jul 09, 2022 07:50 PM
Found In Egroup: IFRT Members Community (Open)
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Kristin's departure is a great loss for the Office for Intellectual Freedom as well as ALA. I hadn't realized Kristin's time with ALA was shorter than I thought because her presence has been so constant, cordial, supportive, and warm. Kristin, all of these qualities, as well as your passion, knowledge, ...
Posted By Ana Elisa De Campos Salles Dec 29, 2021 07:36 PM
Found In Egroup: SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)
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Hello Everyone, Below are the updates from the ALA Executive Board's December meeting. They are a continuing effort to have consistent and transparent communication across association leadership and membership, so please share widely with your group members and let me know if you have any questions, ...
Posted By Ana Elisa De Campos Salles Mar 29, 2021 04:03 PM
Found In Egroup: IFRT Members Community (Open)
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Congratulations, Martin! So well deserved! Ana Elisa de Campos SallesCouncilor-at-large, American Library AssociationMember, Patty Wong Presidential Advisory CommitteeMember, RRT Fundraising Committeeshe, her, hers 2011 ALA Spectrum Scholar2013 ALA Emerging Leader
Posted By Ana Elisa De Campos Salles Jan 06, 2021 06:46 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Looks great, Matthew. Thank you for making a motion on this resolution. Ana Elisa Ana Elisa de Campos Salles Councilor-at-large, American Library Association Member, Patty Wong Presidential Advisory Committee Member, RRT Fundraising Committee she, her, hers 2011 ALA Spectrum Scholar 2013 ALA Emerging ...
Posted By Ana Elisa De Campos Salles Mar 16, 2020 08:41 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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You take care of yourself and your loved ones, too, Lessa! Ana Elisa de Campos Salles Past-Chair, Rainbow Round Table Member, ALA Committee on Committees Councilor-at-large, American Library Association My pronouns are she, her, hers 2011 ALA Spectrum Scholar 2013 ALA Emerging Leader
Posted By Ana Elisa De Campos Salles Jan 29, 2020 08:00 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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HI All, I just wanted to point out that we can change the bylaws so nothing is set in stone. Please refer to the ALA Constitution, Articles XI and XII: Further, Article IV, Section 1.b of the ALA Bylaws states other meetings of ...
Posted By Ana Elisa De Campos Salles Nov 17, 2018 01:20 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Thanks, Lessa, for keeping the channels of communication open! ------------------------------ Ana Elisa de Campos Salles Chair, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table Councilor-at-large, American Library Association My pronouns are she, her, hers 2011 ALA Spectrum Scholar 2013 ALA Emerging ...
Posted By Ana Elisa De Campos Salles Jul 04, 2016 01:09 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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I agree with keeping the three Council fora and am also open to the possibility of breakfast/day fora. Cheers, Ana Elisa