Thank you Mr. Charles, Ms. April, and all of SRRT for your congratulations! It is an honor to serve this Round Table as your Member-at-Large, and I have created a short Google Form survey to gather your insight on how I can best accommodate your needs and interests. Thanks again!
Best Regards,
De'Ivyion "Ivy" Drew
De'Ivyion Drew
WCPL Library Assistant
University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill
Original Message:
Sent: Apr 10, 2024 04:35 PM
From: Charles Kratz
Subject: SRRT Election Results
Dear SRRT Members: We are pleased to announce that following SRRT members have been elected to SRRT Action Council: SRRT Members- at-Large Derek Wilmott, Member at Large - Currently an SRRT and IFRT member, Co-Chair of SRRT's Programming Committee 2023-24, and member of CORE's Access/Equity Leadership Team, as well as ODLOS' Services to Refuges, Immigrants and Displaced Persons Sub-committee (SRIDP). Also, member of REFORMA affiliate.
De 'lvyion Drew, Member at Large - Currently an SRRT, EMIERT, LSSRT, NMRT, and RRT member. Also, member of SCRL and PLA divisions. Member of BCALA affiliate.
Rachel Rosekind, Member at Large - Currently an SRRT, GNCRT and EMIERT member, along with PLA and United for Libraries divisions. Co-Chair, SRRT Programming Committee, 2023-Present; Member, Herb Biblo Outstanding Leadership Award for Social Justice & Equality Committee, 2023-Present; Member, Best Graphic Novels for Adults Selection Committee, 2024; Also, member of BCALA and REFORMA.
SRRT Councilor Tara Brady, SRRT Councilor - Currently the SRRT Councilor, 2018-Present; member of GODORT, LSSRT, RRT, SRRT, SUSTRT
Our thanks to Patti McCall-Junkin for being a Member-at-large candidate. Thank you, Charles Kratz and April Sheppard, SRRT Co-Coordinators | | | |
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