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Mr. Peter Musser

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Peter Musser

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That's a wrap on ALA 2024 in San Diego, and what a conference it was! With so many sessions and posters on artificial intelligence in libraries, it's exciting and also a little overwhelming trying to keep it all in my head. For folks who attended, did you sit in on a session that had something memorable? ...
Hi all, with ALA 2024 fast approaching I thought it might be helpful to share a big list of all of the sessions, presentations, etc... that will be talking about artificial intelligence at ALA 2024 this year! Spoilers: it's a lot. As a chair for ALA Core's AI & Machine Learning in Libraries interest ...
Hi all, In case you missed today's ALA Core Interest Group Week session for the AI/ML in libraries group (that's us!), I wanted to share the slide deck I used. I built it out through Mentimeter, and we used how folks answered the different prompts on the slides to help guide the conversation -- ...
Hi all, I'm excited to invite y'all to the Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning interest group's Core Week session, where we'll be talking about how AI and ML has been showing up in the work at your institution -- or not! While I'll be guiding the conversation as needed, the aim for the session ...
Great to see a survey on this! If they aren't already on your radar, cross-posting this onto the SPARC OE forum and in the AI4LAM groups may help you reach more folks that happen to fall into your target demographic. ------------------------------ Peter Musser Co-chair, CORE IG for Artificial ...
Hi all, this just came across my inbox so I thought I'd share it with folks here in case it's of interest. --- The University of Central Florida is pleased to announce the addition of a Library Track to the second annual Teaching & Learning with AI (TLWAI) conference, to be held July 22-24, ...
Just a heads up that the call for proposals in my last post has been extended to October 31! Also, I wanted to clarify that at this time we're looking for proposals, not fully fleshed out manuscripts (in case that's holding anyone back). If you have something you're working on (or something ...
Hello all, Information Technology and Libraries Journal (ITAL) is seeking authors for a peer-reviewed special edition focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Submissions should focus on AI and ML and their use in or around libraries, museums, and archives. For example, ...
Sharing this for interested parties: While much of the discussion surrounding higher education and artificial intelligence (AI) has focused on scaling up AI research and adapting teaching methods in the face of tools such as ChatGPT, another side to AI's impact on higher education is also compelling ...
Hi all, I'm Peter, the other co-chair for the AI & Machine Learning interest group! A bit about me, I work as head of library services for a nonprofit that operates in the Open Education realm to make open educational resources (OER) more accessible. My big "skin in the game" for AI & machine learning ...
Hi y'all, I wanted to share an update for those with interest in attending or presenting at a conference around AI in libraries, archives, and museums: Dear Colleagues, A reminder that the call for proposals is open for our 2023 Fantastic Futures annual conference. The deadline has been extended ...
Thanks for sharing this Berika, will the session be recorded and available afterward? ------------------------------ Peter Musser Head, Library Services ISKME He/Him/His ------------------------------