Core Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Libraries Interest Group

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About this Group

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Purpose: Provides a forum for researching potential applications of Machine and Deep Learning in library science, including discussions, publications, and outreach to the wider Library community. Its goal is to educate librarians on uses of the complex techniques of machine learning and to provide a space for critically thinking both about new applications, and about the ethical and social impact of these technologies , as the field rapidly expands in the coming decade.

This group is part of Core's Technology Section.

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Interest Group Week slides & stats

  • 1.  Interest Group Week slides & stats

    Posted Mar 05, 2024 05:26 PM
      |   view attached

    Hi all,

    In case you missed today's ALA Core Interest Group Week session for the AI/ML in libraries group (that's us!), I wanted to share the slide deck I used. I built it out through Mentimeter, and we used how folks answered the different prompts on the slides to help guide the conversation -- which was great! So, see the slides attached to this post. Here are some highlights.

    Of the 116 people who participated:

    • 68.9% represented academic institutions, 10.3% were from public libraries,  9.5% were from state and federal libraries 
    • When asked about whether or not their workplace has policies or guidance re: AI use in their workplace, 71.6% replied "no(t) yet" or "I don't know" -- but the remainder said  yes, either at the institution or library level.
    • There are more people than not who have colleagues or patrons who are already using AI in their workplace, including 28 respondents themselves
    • When asked how much they agree or disagree with statements about whether they work with someone  who can answer a variety of questions about AI, the sentiment was negative-neutral. Only 6.7% of respondents agreed or strongly agreedthat "it's me, hi, I'm the person it's me" (although unclear how many caught that that was a taylor swift reference -- more research needed)

    There were also quite a few questions that came up that we didn't get a chance to answer in depth -- so look for those questions (or variants of them) getting shared as their own discussions in the coming weeks! 

    Overall, it was a great session -- thank you to everyone who was able to make it, and to ALA Core staff for making it happen!

    Peter Musser
    Co-chair, ALA Core IG for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Libraries

    Head, Library Services


    IG Weeks.pdf   1.17 MB 1 version