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Ms. Erin Owens

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Erin Owens

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Posted By Erin Owens Jun 26, 2024 10:04 AM
Found In Egroup: Access Services Interest Group
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(apologies for cross-posting) Hello! I am inviting you to participate in my research about publicly accessible lactation spaces in libraries. I am hoping to gain a better understanding of the prevalence of these spaces, the terminology in use for naming these spaces, and library personnel's perception ...
Posted By Erin Owens Jun 07, 2024 09:42 AM
Found In Egroup: Research Assessment and Metrics Discussion Group
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Greetings, Research Assessment and Metrics Interest Group! We would like to introduce ourselves as the new co-conveners of the group (and we hope you will share our happiness that having conveners means ResMetIG will not be dissolved!). We hope to develop some ideas for engaging the group in discussion, ...
Posted By Erin Owens May 10, 2024 08:29 AM
Found In Egroup: Research Assessment and Metrics Discussion Group
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Hi, all, I have submitted a form to Megan, so someone is on the hook for this group, but I will heartily welcome a shared co-convener status with any of the other folks who had previously expressed interest/willingness. Thanks! Erin Owens ------------------------------ Erin Owens (She/Her/Hers) ...
Posted By Erin Owens Mar 15, 2024 08:46 PM
Found In Egroup: Research Assessment and Metrics Discussion Group
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Hi, Laura, Thanks for sharing the background; I definitely remember when this group was more active. I volunteered at an informational table for the group during a conference event pre-pandemic (at ACRL, I think). One of the things I noticed during that event is that a lot of people who saw the ...
Posted By Erin Owens Mar 04, 2024 12:30 PM
Found In Egroup: Access Services Interest Group
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Good comments, Jennifer! We use almost identical language on all our web pages and in-room signage, about the fact that "reservations take precedence, and you may be asked to leave." I'd say that most of our students are pretty respectful about it, if they get the message; I suspect our larger problem ...
Posted By Erin Owens Mar 04, 2024 08:42 AM
Found In Egroup: Access Services Interest Group
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Dawn, that is absolutely fascinating to hear that you have problems with the groups handing off keys! Our library has not yet seen that happen; it's just interesting how different libraries and different student populations can behave so differently. We have about 10 tech-enabled study rooms that require ...
Posted By Erin Owens Sep 04, 2022 09:11 AM
Found In Egroup: LRRT (Library Research Round Table)
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One last note, Norm: all the course materials from the Evidence Synthesis Institute are available online. It lacks the discussion/activity aspects and chance to ask clarifying questions, but it is still a great way to get started learning about these methods on your own! ...
Posted By Erin Owens Aug 29, 2022 11:34 AM
Found In Egroup: LRRT (Library Research Round Table)
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That's an interesting question, Norm, and I don't have an evidence-based answer for you: only some guesses. Many of us work with people, and so perhaps turning to people (and surveying them) is a more comfortable idea than turning to more system-based data collection. Sometimes we may not be good at ...
Posted By Erin Owens Aug 26, 2022 01:30 PM
Found In Egroup: LRRT (Library Research Round Table)
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Hi, Norm, Ha! The main observation I would make -- based on editing for EBLIP, reviewing for 10+ other journals, and writing myself -- is that our field is overly dependent on surveys. I am totally pointing a finger at myself, too, with that comment, not judging others; it always just feels so easy ...
Posted By Erin Owens Aug 25, 2022 08:51 AM
Found In Egroup: LRRT (Library Research Round Table)
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Whoops! That pasted the entirely wrong link (facepalm). I was trying to give you THIS link: Footnotes.docx Also, here is one that didn't make it in there (and is a bit dated)-but you may be able to citation trace for more recent papers that cite this one: Buttlar, L. (1991). Analyzing the Library ...
Posted By Erin Owens Aug 24, 2022 08:24 PM
Found In Egroup: LRRT (Library Research Round Table)
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Hi, Norm, I just had a paper accepted about authorship in academic librarianship journals; it doesn't address your question directly, BUT a lot of the stuff I read for the literature review points in that direction (who are the authors, what are the topics and methods, etc.). I have tried to cull ...