Hi, Laura,
Thanks for sharing the background; I definitely remember when this group was more active. I volunteered at an informational table for the group during a conference event pre-pandemic (at ACRL, I think). One of the things I noticed during that event is that a lot of people who saw the word "assessment" in the group's name came over eagerly asking questions about assessment of libraries, assessment of instruction, stuff like that – and many of them were disappointed when I explained that it was more about assessment of research, or as you said, research impact. So I do wonder if maybe the exact wording of the group name has caused some confusion (folks with differing expectations either not joining, or else joining and then leaving).
I for one would really like to see this group more active again-a lot of the other content I follow for these types of topics (e.g., lis-bibliometrics) is not really US-centered, and while I definitely get value from them, I also have to sift past a lot of content focused on things like REF in the UK. That being said, I will also point out that some posts on research impact topics have come up in the ACRL ScholCom group.
In any case, I am tentatively willing to step up to help the group stay afloat-assuming that others agree that it's purpose is still needed and wanted-but I'd love it if someone wanted to join me as co-convener, so that it wouldn't feel like quite so much of a lift for either of us.
Erin Owens (she/her/hers)
Professor, Access Services Coordinator & Scholarly Communications Librarian
Associate Editor (Research Articles), Evidence Based Library & Information Practice
Newton Gresham Library | Sam Houston State University
SHSU Box 2179, Huntsville, TX 77341
936-294-4567 | eowens@shsu.edu
Schedule an appointment! https://shsu.libcal.com/appointments/owens
View my ORCID Researcher Profile: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9520-9314
My work hours are sometimes flexible - so while it may suit me to email outside normal working hours, I do not expect a response or action outside of your own working hours.
Original Message:
Sent: 3/15/2024 12:34:00 AM
From: Laura Mullen
Subject: RE: Research Assessment and Metrics Discussion Group Dissolution
Hi Matt and all,
This group was started a few years ago by Jim Morris-Knower. I was the convener a few years back and I worked a lot with Jim on setting up the group, getting it going, and planning programming. I am a little surprised to see that the group is not active. It seems that traction/momentum was lost. We had a membership of more than a thousand on the list at one point, and before the pandemic we had in-person meetups at ALA and Midwinter and had good turnouts for our programs/discussions. We had a program on global issues in bibliometrics/P&T issues for one conference where Juan Pablo Alperin was our speaker. We were starting to see the position of "Research Impact Librarian" show up at some research libraries toward the end of my time as convener. When my term as convener was over, I had passed the responsibilities on to the next conveners but have not seen any discussions of late. Maybe this discussion here on the list can lead to some consensus on whether there is some reason why a discussion group focused on research impact has not done well or gained more traction.
The topic of this dedicated discussion group is more "research impact," bibliometrics, and discussion of the products that universities are using in that space (like Pure, Incites, WoS, Scopus), and now would include products from Digital Science like Dimensions and open tools like Open Alex (I would think). Demonstrating societal impact is a growing area. Maybe RIM system implications would be included. This would still seem to be of huge and growing interest and most research libraries have services in these areas. I don't know what happened but will try to see what I can find out. All input and feedback is very useful to making sure this group does not die unless there is truly no interest. Maybe someone here would like to step forward to be convener, or two people could share that role.
Just ideas.
Laura Mullen
Laura Bowering Mullen (she/her)
Behavioral Sciences Librarian; Open Access Specialist
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Library of Science and Medicine
165 Bevier Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8009
Original Message:
Sent: 3/14/2024 3:28:00 PM
From: Matthew Marsteller
Subject: RE: Research Assessment and Metrics Discussion Group Dissolution
First, congratulations on all of your hard work coming to fruition. New colleagues are a welcome sign. Your mention of library assessment prompts me to ask a question I've always had about this Discussion Group (a group I haven't been particularly active in, I must confess). Does this group deal with library assessment or research assessment done by libraries? Or, perhaps both? Can someone enlighten us?
Matthew Marsteller
Principal Librarian, Engineering & Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 13, 2024 09:20 PM
From: Esther Dowell
Subject: Research Assessment and Metrics Discussion Group Dissolution
I am graduating from an ALA accredited program in May, and I have an interest in library assessment. I would like to see this resource continue.
Esther Dowell
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 12, 2024 08:33 PM
From: Matthew Marsteller
Subject: Research Assessment and Metrics Discussion Group Dissolution
Dear Collleagues:
It would appear that unless one of us steps forward, then the Discussion Group will end. Since I'm the lead person at my university for Research Metrics, I would be very sorry to see this group end. Could we share our thoughts on whether or not we want the group to continue?
Matthew Marsteller
Principal Librarian, Engineering & Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 11, 2024 02:28 PM
From: Aleah Price
Subject: Research Assessment and Metrics Discussion Group Dissolution
Good morning,
I am writing to inform you that after repeated attempts to contact the past convener to find a new convener for the Research Assessment and Metrics Discussion Group, ACRL staff received no response. The group has not met in over two years. ACRL staff has made three separate attempts to reach the most recent Convener, with no response. Due to the inability to find leadership, and contact the most recent convener, ACRL staff are requesting the group be dissolved.
According to the ACRL Guide to Policies and Procedures, ACRL may request the dissolution of a discussion group if the group fails to appoint a leader and/or meet at the two ALA conferences during the previous year.
ACRL has not received an appointment acceptance form for a leader of the Research Assessment and Metrics Discussion Group and will request that the ACRL Board dissolve the discussion group at the 2024 Annual Conference unless leadership can be confirmed before that time.
Best regards,
Aleah Price, Program Coordinator
Aleah Price
American Library Association