Discussion Groups

16 total

ACRL Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies Discussion Group  

Charge: Represents librarians and specialists in the field of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern area studies and advises ACRL, in cooperation with other professional groups, in those areas of library service that require knowledge of Asian, African and Middle eastern languages and cultures.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrlaamesig@ConnectedCommunity.org
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  last person joined 24 days ago

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ACRL Assessment Discussion Group  

Charge: To provide a forum for assessment librarians – and those with responsibility for, and interest in, library assessment – to discuss methods, training, results, impact, institutional needs and challenges, and seek solutions to common problems faced by the library assessment community.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrlassessdg@ConnectedCommunity.org
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  last person joined 2 days ago

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ACRL Balancing Baby and Book Discussion Group  

Charge: To create a discussion forum for academic librarians on the challenges and opportunities present in being or preparing to become a parent while continuing to work and/or maintain a career track. The discussion group will be an opportunity to share knowledge and experience about work related issues, for example library and university policies and procedures (leave, tenure, etc), managing expectations of colleagues, and negotiating agreements with supervisors, and parenting related issues, for example finding quality day care, managing yours and your partners expectations, and spending quality time with your child(ren). Discussions at ALA conferences will give participants an opportunity to learn from both experienced parents and new parents while also provide a forum for open conversations with library administrators and colleagues about the positive and negative effects parenthood can have on work performance and career.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrlbabyandbookdg@ConnectedCommunity.org
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  last person joined 11 days ago

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ACRL Copyright Discussion Group  

Charge: To provide a forum to discuss copyright issues that confront those working in academic and research libraries.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrlcopydg@ConnectedCommunity.org
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  last person joined yesterday

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ACRL Curators & Conservators Discussion Group (old RBMS)  

To add to the body of information on curator/ conservator relations and to encourage the education of curators and conservators about their respective professions; to provide a forum for discussion about topics of mutual interest; to identify, recommend, and facilitate creation of continuing education seminars through the Seminars Committee; to publicize issues concerning curators and conservators by encouraging the publication of relevant articles in appropriate journals.

  last person joined 3 years ago

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ACRL First Year Experience Discussion Group  

Charge: To facilitate a platform for discussion and idea exchanges related to the library's role in the new student's first year experience in higher education. This could include, but is not limited to, discussions related to student transition and preparedness issues, transfer student populations, information literacy programs, outreach, and cross campus collaboration. The group could be of interest to any librarians working with this population at a variety of schools such as community colleges, four- year colleges, research universities, and even possibly those working in a K-12 setting.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrlfyedg@ConnectedCommunity.org
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  last person joined 2 days ago

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ACRL Heads of Public Services Discussion Group  

Charge: To provide a forum and opportunity for academic librarians to openly discuss and explore common issues, ideas, problems, and opportunities associated with the administration, management and delivery of public services in academic libraries.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrlhpsdg@ConnectedCommunity.org
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  last person joined 11 days ago

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ACRL Human Resources and Organizational Development Discussion Group  

Charge: To facilitate the exchange of emerging trends and effective practices related to human resource management and organizational development and to support the network and professional development of individuals with these responsibilities in academic and research libraries. Topics include: recruitment and retention; performance management; organizational climate, culture, and effectiveness; promotion and tenure systems; strategic planning; relationship building with library leadership and across organizations.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrlhroddg@ConnectedCommunity.org
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  last person joined 11 days ago

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ACRL Language and Linguistics Discussion Group  

Charge: To provide a forum for discussion of current trends, practices, and challenges related to working with non-English language services, vernacular resources, and linguistics materials in academic libraries. To provide a supportive network facilitating mentorship, idea sharing, and collaboration on language topics among librarians with diverse functions and specializations. To highlight the importance of academic libraries' language collections and services both on campus and in the broader community.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrldgll@ConnectedCommunity.org
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  last person joined 11 days ago

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ACRL Leadership Discussion Group  

Charge: Provides a forum for conversation, communication and collaboration about leadership and management issues important to academic librarians.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrlleadershipdg@ConnectedCommunity.org
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  last person joined 4 days ago

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ACRL Librarians From Very Small Academic Institutions Discussion Group  

Charge: To provide a forum for the discussion of issues as they relate to very small libraries, including dealing with small staff, scaling library trends and initiatives to tiny institutions, budget limitations, and other professional topics.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrllvsaidg@ConnectedCommunity.org
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  last person joined 2 days ago

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ACRL Librarianship in For-Profit Educational Institutions Discussion G ...  

Charge: A forum for librarians in for-profit educational institutions to network, share knowledge, and collaborate on tasks, direction, and issues specific to their roles within the for-profit education industry.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrllfpeidg@ConnectedCommunity.org
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  last person joined 29 days ago

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ACRL Library EDI Committees Discussion Group  

Charge: ACRL’s Library EDI Committees Discussion Group seeks to provide a forum for practitioners, especially members of Library Diversity committees, to discuss EDI topics in academic libraries, and share resources useful to library workers engaged in EDI initiatives in libraries. They plan to work to support both library workers who are thinking about starting a diversity initiative and diversity committees that are already established.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrllecdg@ConnectedCommunity.org
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  last person joined yesterday

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ACRL Research Assessment and Metrics Discussion Group  

Charge: To provide a forum for discussion of trends and developments in the field of research metrics and scholarly impact, and the many ways academic librarians can support their faculty, administrators and students to understand, measure and extend the contributions of their research to their fields and the world beyond academia.

Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrlramdg@ConnectedCommunity.org

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  last person joined 8 days ago

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ACRL Training & Equity in Library Work Discussion Group  

Charge: To create a discussion forum to discuss, research, and envision the many pathways to satisfying and equitable library work. At the outset, the interest is multi-pronged: practices or programs for making the MLS/MLIS experience more accessible and authentic, particularly for underrepresented and marginalized populations; parallel pathways to (or alternative credentialing for) librarian positions; and increasing equity between library worker classifications (in terms of compensation, benefits, professional development funding, institutional and disciplinary power, & etc.).
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-acrltelwdg@ConnectedCommunity.org
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  last person joined one month ago

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SCHOLCOMM - ACRL Scholarly Communication Discussion Group  

Charge: The Scholarly Communication Discussion Group is an informal and in-depth discussion of one or more hot topics that impact Open Access initiatives and the many related opportunities which aim to advance the dissemination of scholarship without economical, legislative or technical barriers. ALA-acrlscholcomm@ConnectedCommunity.org
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  last person joined yesterday

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