Charge: The ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey Editorial Board has oversight responsibility for ACRL’s annual Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey including the development of an annual questionnaire on current trends or issues. The Editorial Board also develops materials publicizing and encouraging participation by academic libraries in the annual ACRL survey; represents ACRL on the ANSI-NISO Z39.7 standing committee; and submits appointment recommendations to the ACRL Publications Coordinating Committee for approval.
last person joined 5 months ago
Charge: The editorial board serves in an advisory capacity to the editor on the contents of the journal issues, and board members form the core of referees, reviewing manuscripts submitted for possible publication.
Charge: The editorial board serves in an advisory capacity to the editor on all policy matters concerning editorial content or format. Tasks: To react to ideas for development of C&RL News that have been proposed by the editor. To suggest ways in which C&RL News might be improved in format or content. To provide the editor with information regarding trends in the field that might affect future directions or content of C&RL News. To suggest new editorial features, either regular or irregular, for consideration by the editor. To assist the editor in developing editorial policies.
Charge: To encourage research, writing, and nonprint media production that may be appropriate for a separately published title by ACRL; to solicit topics and, without guarantee of publication, to suggest them to appropriate authors; to review all manuscripts/materials submitted for possible publication as a separate ACRL published title; to serve as an advisory body to the ACRL publications officer.
All members are welcome to join this public community to stay apprised of ACRL Board activities. Please click the "JOIN COMMUNITY" button to ensure access to discussions, documents and events. To post a discussion, group members can add a new discussion to this community or can email ALA-ACRL-BoardPublic@ConnectedCommunity.orgCharge: The composition and the duties of the Board of Directors are defined in Article IX of the ACRL Bylaws: Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have general oversight and direction of the affairs of the Association. It shall conduct all business pertaining to the Association, and shall have authority to make decisions for the Association during the periods between meetings.
last person joined one month ago
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All members are welcome to join this public community to stay apprised of ACRL Budget & Finance Committee activities. Please click the "JOIN COMMUNITY" button to ensure access to discussions, documents and events.To post a discussion, group members can add a new discussion to this community or can email ALA-ACRL-BFPublic@ConnectedCommunity.orgCharge: To submit annually a recommended budget for the ACRL division (including division publications, the CHOICE budget, the allocation of Long-Term Investment fund income) to the ACRL Board of Directors for action; To advise the ACRL Board of Directors on its allocation of Friends of ACRL contributions to strategic projects and programs, as well as to consult with the ACRL Board of Directors on fundraising goals and objectives; To counsel the ACRL Board of Directors on questions regarding all fiscal matters of the division or its publications, including dues levels and fundraising, especially as they relate to alignment with the strategic plan and its Core Commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
last person joined 6 years ago
Charge: To encourage research, writing, and nonprint media production writing that may be appropriate for the ACRL publications in librarianship series; to solicit topics and, without guarantee of publication, to suggest them to appropriate authors; to review all manuscripts/ materials submitted, and approve them for publication in the publications in librarianship series. Tasks to evaluate manuscripts, nonprint material and proposals. To recommend revisions required for publication. To publicize opportunities for publication in the library literature. To assess the relevance and quality of publications through an analysis of sales and reviews.
Charge: The editorial board serves in an advisory capacity to the editor on the contents of the journal issues; the board members form the core of referees, reviewing manuscripts submitted for possible publication.
Charge: The editorial board is charged to serve in an advisory capacity to CHOICE staff regarding resources for college libraries editorial policy matters.
Charge: The board serves in an advisory capacity to the editor and the publisher on the choice programs. Tasks: consider and make recommendations for editorial policy. Review changes in editorial policy proposed by editor. Review projects proposed for choice sponsorship. Review decisions of the editor concerning grievances which publishers, authors, or reviewers wish to appeal. Advise editor on content, arrangement, and promotion of choice.