Happy New Year, Colleagues! I am writing in my role as Chair of the ACRL Leadership Recruitment and Nomination Committee (LRNC). The LRNC is counting on you to join in our efforts ...
Hello! My name is Kelee Pacion and I am a student at the University of Southern California. I also hold a role as a librarian at Princeton University. I am conducting a ...
To Whom It May Concern: Hello. Our names are Lauren Geiger and Cathy Austin, academic librarians at Mississippi State University Libraries. Currently, we are ...
The HumetricsHSS team is thrilled to open applications for teams from institutions of higher education interested in attending the inaugural Values-Enacted Leadership Institute ...
Hi all. We are hoping to put together a flowchart on decision-making between staff and faculty in the Library. I am wondering if anyone has a template for that type of thing. ...
Hi everyone ! We would like to invite you to consider participating in a short survey that focuses on recruitment of information professionals in ...
Dear Colleagues, Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Leadership Discussion Group is pleased to host How Immersive Experiences Change Learning & ...
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