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Mr. Aaron Dobbs

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Aaron Dobbs

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Posted By Aaron Dobbs Jun 09, 2024 09:06 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Some of the excellent work ALA is doing at the federal policy level. Federal policy supporting the work of libraries has been and continues to be one of the most important focus areas for libraries of all kinds! ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Alan S. Inouye Date: Sun, Jun 9, 2024, 4:58 PM ...
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Jun 03, 2024 08:15 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Hi Jim, I read your question as a possible "what should ALA be doing" conversation starter -- a conversation that would be necessary before we could effectively reorganize ALA Committees. Libraries, writ large, face even larger (and more) challenges now than we did 10-15 years ago (when we (ALA) were ...
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Apr 26, 2024 12:14 PM
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Hi again, friends! Seriously as soon as you see this email, stop and take the three minutes it takes to send a message through the blue ALA advocacy buttons below. Then take a few minutes to send a personal email -- or freak them out and call your congresscritter's local office *and ask them* to please ...
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Apr 26, 2024 12:05 PM
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Solid draft, thanks for sharing, and looking forward to voting this into place.
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Apr 24, 2024 09:53 PM
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Council peeps and long-time Council list readers, This is a call to action! Every year we (ALA and Library supporters) have to remind our Congress critters to renew their support for libraries through library funding -- mainly through IMLS and IAL funding appropriations. This year, more than ever, constituents ...
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Apr 21, 2024 06:06 PM
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Lots going on, keep building your relationships with your legislators, and hope to see you in San Diego in a few months. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Alan S. Inouye Date: Sun, Apr 21, 2024, 6:33 PM Subject: PUBLIC POLICY AND ADVOCACY UPDATES (April 21, 2024) To: Alan S. Inouye ...
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Apr 04, 2024 05:10 PM
Found In Egroup: RMRT (Retired Members Round Table)
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Howdy RMRTers, Sorry I will not make the 4/17 meeting. Here's a high level look at a few ALA governancey thingumabobs: (wait, "thingumabobs" is a word and is spelled correctly on the first (and second!) try?! -- well, I'll be knackered) Anyway, here we go: LibLearnX will run in 2025 -- but not ...
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Mar 11, 2024 09:41 AM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Lots of good stuff happening in public policy and advocacy... Last week was especially busy (and everyone's social media looked like it was fun, too) ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Alan S. Inouye Date: Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 6:52 AM Subject: PUBLIC POLICY & ADVOCACY UPDATES (March ...
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Mar 06, 2024 12:28 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Greetings fellow ALA members and members of Council, If you're not signed up for ALA Public Policy and Advocacy alerts, I encourage you to sign up and to be aware of advocacy opportunities.From the Action Center footer below:Ready to take action? Subscribe to our Action Center. Thanks and I hope you ...
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Feb 19, 2024 01:53 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Lots of public Policy & Advocacy goin' on! ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Alan S. Inouye Date: Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 4:59 PM Subject: PUBLIC POLICY AND ADVOCACY UPDATES (February 18, 2024) To: Alan S. Inouye PUBLIC POLICY AND ADVOCACY UPDATES --> Upcoming: Time ...
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Feb 06, 2024 01:03 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Thank you also to Elizabeth Burns, Sherry Anderson Machones, and Fannie M. Cox for your willingness to stand for election to the Executive Board. Accepting the nomination to run for EB is no small thing and is appreciated! -Aaron:-)' ALA EB Candidate (unelected) 2014 & 2015
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Feb 06, 2024 12:57 PM
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Correct link is: Here's the garbled link (broken with spaces to not work) in case anyone wants to see it:https: // www.survey monkey. com/r/79V6DDF%22%20HYPERLINK%20%22 -Aaron:-)'
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Jan 29, 2024 10:42 AM
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Public Policy and Advocacy updates, lots going on. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Alan S. Inouye Date: Mon, Jan 29, 2024, 10:58 AM Subject: PUBLIC POLICY AND ADVOCACY UPDATES (January 29, 2024) To: Alan S. Inouye PUBLIC POLICY AND ADVOCACY UPDATES Time to think about ALA ...
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Jan 17, 2024 05:10 PM
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Hiya,My credentials were auto-filed by my email app into my "From No Reply" email folder. Here are the email details from the voting credentials I received:
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Dec 22, 2023 08:00 PM
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Public Policy and Advocacy updates ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Alan S. Inouye Date: Fri, Dec 22, 2023, 1:49 PM Subject: PUBLIC POLICY AND ADVOCACY UPDATES (December 22, 2023) To: Alan S. Inouye PUBLIC POLICY AND ADVOCACY UPDATES --> Support bipartisan legislation from Sens. ...
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Dec 20, 2023 07:07 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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A call to action for education research!(also, if you're not signed up for legislative alerts and/or the Action Center, please consider enrolling) Ready to take action? Subscribe to our Action Center. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: ALA Public Policy & Advocacy Office Date: Wed, Dec 20, ...
Posted By Aaron Dobbs Nov 27, 2023 10:34 AM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Lots going on in Public Policy and Advocacy ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Alan S. Inouye Date: Mon, Nov 27, 2023, 7:10 AM Subject: PUBLIC POLICY & ADVOCACY UPDATES (November 27, 2023) To: Alan S. Inouye POLICY & ADVOCACY UPDATES → Now: Special Cyber Monday Offer to Register ...