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  • Dear Colleagues, The PCC SCS Task Group (TG) on Evaluation Guidelines for Non-Latin Script References in Name Authority Records is in the process of finalizing its recommendations ...

  • Hello all, When I gave my report at the Monday CC:DA meeting, I noted that I had two typographical errors: 1) "quit" instead of "quilt" in the last sentence of the first paragraph ...

  • Here is the charge and roster for the new CC:DA Task Force to Prepare the ALA Response to RSC/ExtentWG/2024/1. Please join me in thanking our colleagues for stepping up to take ...

  • Dear Colleagues, The PCC SCS Task Group (TG) on Evaluation Guidelines for Non-Latin Script References in Name Authority Records is in the process of finalizing its recommendations ...

  • Here is the final report of the CC:DA Task Force to Review ISBD for Manifestation. A few things have been added based on the CC:DA discussion during ALA Annual. I will submit ...

  • Here is the CC:DA response to RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1 based on the comments received on both the CC:DA private and public spaces. I will send this on to the ALA NARDAC reps as ...

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    MAC Liaison Report

    Hot off the presses for Saturday's meeting is the MAC Liaison Report. (Apologies that it is late in San Diego and later still for the East Coast. I almost finished it before ...