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revised version of OCLC report to CC:DA

  • 1.  revised version of OCLC report to CC:DA

    Posted 4 days ago
    Edited by Kate James 4 days ago

    Hello all,

    When I gave my report at the Monday CC:DA meeting, I noted that I had two typographical errors: 1) "quit" instead of "quilt" in the last sentence of the first paragraph and 2) "084" instead of "082" for the example at the bottom of page 1. I am providing a revised version of the report because I would not want anyone to  look at the second error 6 months from now and think OCLC was using the wrong MARC field for DDC numbers. (I corrected the first error because I'm a cataloger.) I have removed the old version from the Reports folder in the Library and replaced it with an updated one This is the link to the revised one:

    OCLC report for ALA Annual 2024

    My apologies for not sending this last week. I was unexpectedly out of the office.


    Kate James (she/her/hers)
    OCLC · Program Coordinator- Metadata Engagement, Global Product Management
    6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, Ohio, 43017 United States