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Posted By Anaya Jones Jul 15, 2024 12:20 PM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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Jerry, Hmm, you raise a great point- but mostly I wish so much wasn't hinging on that one phrase! I'm really looking forward to additional clarity there. I also found many great examples, but none that left me with a clear idea of how to handle this particular issue. Thanks for asking about this, ...
Posted By Anaya Jones Jul 15, 2024 09:28 AM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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Hi Jerry, Thank you for sharing this call for questions. I've been following this closely, especially because many folks expect a similar update to title III in the near future, as well. I would love to know the answers to the all of the questions you pose- but the biggest questions for me are ...
Posted By Anaya Jones May 31, 2024 09:49 AM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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Hi Brigid, I'm not an iframe expert, but I found a WebAIM iframes article that includes a couple more considerations for embedding. I wouldn't ask students to interact with information on the page and in the tutorial, precisely for the split attention affect you mention, but that should address ...
Posted By Anaya Jones Mar 12, 2024 03:22 PM
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Thank you for highlighting this title! It looks like a good one for many of us to check out! Anaya Jones (she/her) MLIS, CPACC, Trusted Tester Accessibility & Online Learning Librarian Northeastern University Library Book a consultation with me
Posted By Anaya Jones Mar 01, 2024 03:15 PM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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What are your individual or your library’s accessibility goals? If you haven't set any yet- that's okay! Now's a great time. If you've set an accessibility related goal in the past, please share it here. If you've had a a good experience with a training or other resource, please share it here! ...
Posted By Anaya Jones Feb 01, 2024 03:11 PM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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How do your patrons let you know about library accessibility barriers they encounter? Participate in February Poll Even with robust accessibility planning, patrons may still need to tell us about accessibility barriers they encounter in our libraries. How can your patrons tell you about accessibility ...
Posted By Anaya Jones Jan 05, 2024 02:11 PM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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How are you communicating with your patrons about library accessibility features & services? (Examples, virtual reference, database read aloud, proxy borrowing, alternative formats) Respond to January's Poll. Libraries offer many services that can be helpful to disabled folks. How are you informing ...
Posted By Anaya Jones Sep 11, 2023 03:10 PM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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Karen, Share away- I helped, but this is Casey Hickey's project. Holding another event in October is a great way to include students! ------------------------------ Anaya Jones She/Her/Hers ___ Accessibility & Online Learning Librarian Northeastern University ------------------------ ...
Posted By Anaya Jones Sep 11, 2023 10:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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Thus far, I (and no one else within the library to my knowledge) haven't done a lot with events, in October or otherwise. However, I did join forces with our Digital Accessibility folks last year to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day- and the hope is to do this again this year. My colleague ...
Posted By Anaya Jones Aug 15, 2023 02:03 PM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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Hello Universal Accessibility Interest Group! We're nearing the end of another summer and gearing up for another fall. For any new members: Welcome! We're excited to learn with you. For our longstanding members, we're glad you're here. Personally, this is about the time of year I lament ...
Posted By Anaya Jones Aug 10, 2023 02:28 PM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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Hello Universal Accessibility Interest Group Folks! We hope you're having a good summer. We're busy making plans for this coming year. In the meantime, please enjoy a meaningless poll. Interested in the results? See what your colleagues have to say. ------------------------------ ...
Posted By Anaya Jones Jul 11, 2023 07:42 AM
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Nicole, That's a great topic! Thank you for suggesting it! ------------------------------ Anaya Jones She/Her/Hers ___ Accessibility & Online Learning Librarian Northeastern University ------------------------------
Posted By Anaya Jones Jul 04, 2023 12:12 PM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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Hello new and veteran Universal Accessibility Interest Group Members! Welcome, welcome! As we start a new academic year, we want to hear from you! What would you like to discuss this year in this space? What are you working on related to accessibility? Where else do you go for accessibility ...
Posted By Anaya Jones May 19, 2023 07:45 AM
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Trisha, Thank you so much for sharing these resources! Lots of folks have put together great content for GAAD- so much good stuff to explore! Anaya Jones (she/her) Accessibility & Online Learning Librarian Northeastern University Library Book a consultation ...
Posted By Anaya Jones May 09, 2023 11:21 AM
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Hello UAIG! This month, we want to talk about Universal Design for Learning. UDL is based on Universal Design and educational psychology. UDL allows for multiple means of engagement, representation, action & expression. There's a lot to UDL, so it can feel overwhelming to get started with it. However, ...
Posted By Anaya Jones Mar 01, 2023 02:25 PM
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Laura, I'm happy to share my unscientific findings! Colleagues and I checked out a few different options, including Equidox, Continual Engine's Prep, and Commonlook. Commonlook is an add-on to Adobe and is a very different experience to Equidox and Prep. For our purposes, Prep was sufficient, use ...
Posted By Anaya Jones Feb 21, 2023 09:14 AM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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Karen- That's great news! We have to celebrate the small wins when we get them, I think. To your question about timelines- when Trisha and I worked together, we created an escalation pathway for vendor communication. It's not exactly the same thing, but it's a useful exercise to sit down with other ...
Posted By Anaya Jones Feb 06, 2023 09:58 AM
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Hello UAIG! This month, we would love to hear about your experiences working with library vendors. A big portion of our jobs as librarians is contracting with outside vendors to acquire the resources our community needs- but often these vendors aren't thinking about accessibility. Further, legal precedent ...
Posted By Anaya Jones Jan 19, 2023 08:54 AM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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Hi Leigh, Thanks for asking. I think another thing to consider is that many libraries don't have a sophisticated accessibility strategy for acquisitions. If EEAAPs aren't on the proverbial radar, then exception requests are either not thought of, or the default, depending on how you look at it. ...
Posted By Anaya Jones Jan 09, 2023 10:03 AM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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Hi Adina! I have some limited experience with ABBY. I discovered that ABBY is rated well for it's OCR abilities but not the best tool for improving the Accessibility of a document- when I learned that I didn't use it as much. I'll be watching this thread though for further suggestions! ------- ...