Universal Accessibility Interest Group

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Charge: Offers librarians, support staff, students, and other advocates networking and collaboration opportunities, information sharing and programming to promote accessibility in academic libraries, including web accessibility, assistive technology, reference and instruction for users with disabilities and captioning processes.
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  • 1.  help getting started with ABBYY FineReader

    Posted Jan 07, 2023 09:07 AM
    Hi all,
    My library just got ABBYY FineReader and I just started using it.  I wondered if there's someone here who has experience with it who would be willing to give me some pointers? 

    So far, it seems intuitive to run the OCR and to see where to correct errors but  I expect there's more I should know.  I'm using it to OCR PDFs for e-reserve.  Since there are zillions of them, I'm aiming to get them OCR'ed before thinking much about tagging, but suggestions about how to manage that are welcome.

    I'm hoping to find someone who could meet with me on video chat for a little bit, but if you have pointers that you'd rather share by messaging, that's welcome too!

    Thank you!

    Adina Mulliken
    Social Work Subject Specialist & Associate Professor
    Hunter College, CUNY
    New York, NY

  • 2.  RE: help getting started with ABBYY FineReader

    Posted Jan 09, 2023 10:03 AM
    Hi Adina!

    I have some limited experience with ABBY. I discovered that ABBY is rated well for it's OCR abilities but not the best tool for improving the Accessibility of a document- when I learned that I didn't use it as much. I'll be watching this thread though for further suggestions!

    Anaya Jones She/Her/Hers
    Accessibility & Online Learning Librarian
    Northeastern University

  • 3.  RE: help getting started with ABBYY FineReader

    Posted Jan 09, 2023 10:33 AM

    Thanks Anaya!

