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Lucille Bellamy

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Lucille Bellamy

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Greetings Mary: Our library uses LibraryThing for Libraries/ TinyCat as our library management system. Our library houses a collection that is small (in comparison to most) and specialized, almost a blend of both an academic and special library. Our collection contains less than 3000 resources in varying ...
What a great question! The past year has been a whirlwind of transition, activity, and adaptation. The pivot to 100% remote learning was not an easy one. And I understand that I am not alone in that sentiment. However, our institution is not like larger universities and colleges. My college is very small, ...
Hello! I agree with all who have already provided feedback. This group was an important respite for me when I transitioned from an academic library with a team of librarians to being the solo librarian of a new, for-profit visual arts library. The ability to share experiences with our unique brand of ...