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Tim Kiser

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Tim Kiser

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The Journal of Map & Geography Libraries invites articles highlighting professional practice, case studies, and research-based approaches on the role of map and geospatial library professionals in cataloguing and describing maps and other cartographic resources, such as geospatial datasets, aerial imagery ...
If you are (or will soon be) a MAGIRT member, and would like to present at ALA Annual in San Diego, we have openings! Ideas for in-person presentations, lightning talks, and panels are welcome, on topics of interest to MAGIRT members. Please contact me at with a brief proposal or questions. ...
Thanks to our presenters and attendees! A recording of the event is now available on YouTube: --Tim Kiser / MAGIRT chair ------------------------------ Tim Kiser Catalog Librarian for Maps Michigan State University Libraries --------------------------- ...
It was great to have you there, Louise! ------------------------------ Tim Kiser Catalog Librarian for Maps Michigan State University Libraries ------------------------------
Happening this Thursday 2/29: Leap into MAGIRT! We hope to see you there. ------------------------------ Tim Kiser Catalog Librarian for Maps Michigan State University Libraries ------------------------------
Please join the ALA's Map and Geospatial Information Roundtable (MAGIRT) for Leap into MAGIRT, to be held via Zoom on Thursday, February 29th, 12:30 pm – 5 pm EST (9:30 am – 2 pm PST). We'll have 13 presentations on an array of topics, ranging from a panel to lightning talks. Registration link Presentation ...
Greetings! The proposal deadline for this event has been extended to Tuesday, January 2, 2024. The ALA Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT) invites proposals for a new virtual conference, Leap Into MAGIRT!, to be held via Zoom on Thursday, February 29th, 2024. The conference is intended ...
Please join us for MAGIRT's next board meeting, which will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at 3pm EDT/12pm PDT. We hope to see you there! --Tim / MAGIRT chair Links to agendas & notes will be available here. Join Zoom Meeting ...
The ALA Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT) invites proposals for a new virtual conference, Leap Into MAGIRT!, to be held via Zoom on Thursday, February 29th, 2024. The conference is intended to promote conversation and collaboration, and will be free and open to all who wish to attend. ...
Greetings-- I am canceling the MAGIRT Exective Board meeting scheduled for 3pm ET on Tuesday 10/31 -- But! You are invited to join Erin, Kevin, Laura, and me, at the usual time and Zoom link (below). We will use the time slot to continue planning a MAGIRT virtual conference this winter, to be held ...
Posted By Tim Kiser Sep 29, 2023 03:19 PM
Found In Egroup: Core/ MAGIRT Cartographic Resources Cataloging Interest Group
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Greetings-- At the last MAGIRT Executive Board meeting, we discussed plans to hold an online event this January or February, inviting presentations on diverse topics; and to host a panel (in-person) at the ALA Annual Conference next June, on the topic of Digital Mapping and Indigenous America. ...
Please join us for MAGIRT's next board meeting, which will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 3pm EDT/12pm PDT. We hope to see you there! --Tim / MAGIRT chair Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 999 7883 2993 ...
Apologies: I've edited to correct the date (August 21). ------------------------------ Tim Kiser Catalog Librarian for Maps Michigan State University Libraries ------------------------------
Please join us for MAGIRT's next board meeting, which will be held via Zoom on Monday, August 21, 2023, at 3pm EDT/12pm PDT. Of special note is that we will be joined by John A. Olson, longtime editor of base line, MAGIRT's newsletter, who will be departing the role in December. John will be available ...
It won't be long until ALA Annual! MAGIRT social events in Chicago will include a free tour of the Newberry with maps curator David Weimer on Friday afternoon, and the MAGIRT Awards Dinner (free for MAGIRT members) on Saturday evening. Please complete this survey by May 31st to indicate your plans to ...
MAGIRT is planning our usual tour, Dutch treat dinner, and Honors Award dinner on the Friday and Saturday of ALA Annual in Chicago. Please help us estimate our head count for these events by responding to this survey by Monday, February 20. (Note that this survey is not a commitment to attend, nor ...
Thanks, Sierra and Paige. Following up on the original message, I've gotten generous offers of assistance with planning, so we should be set there. If anybody has restaurant suggestions for a 25-30 person dinner and awards event in Chicago, please feel free to share! --Tim ------------------------------ ...
Greetings-- I'm seeking one or two kind volunteers to help me plan the MAGIRT Awards Dinner on the Saturday night of ALA Annual in Chicago. I have no experience planning big dinner events, and I am certain that all outcomes will be better for everybody if I don't attempt to tackle this by myself. ...
Greetings-- The MAGIRT Cataloging and Classification Committee (CCC) will hold an ad hoc remote meeting on Friday, January 21st, 2022, at 11am Eastern, via Zoom (see link below agenda). All are welcome to attend. Liaison reports are not being requested for this meeting. Agenda: ISBD: ...
Posted By Tim Kiser Jan 13, 2022 03:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Core/ MAGIRT Cartographic Resources Cataloging Interest Group
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Greetings-- The MAGIRT Cataloging and Classification Committee (CCC) will hold an ad hoc remote meeting on Friday, January 21st, 2022, at 11am Eastern, via Zoom (see link below agenda). All are welcome to attend. Liaison reports are not being requested for this meeting. Agenda: ISBD: ...