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Dr. Peter Hepburn

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Peter Hepburn

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Posted By Peter Hepburn May 31, 2024 12:14 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Hi Tara, We're certainly grappling with AI at my college, and the library is necessarily a collaborator in the process. Your suggestion is timely. It occurs to me that a Membership Initiative Group (MIG) might be a good home for conversation on this topic that could bridge what is likely ...
Posted By Peter Hepburn Feb 09, 2024 10:43 AM
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Good morning, I heard terrific things about yesterday's presidential candidates' forum, and I'm sorry I had a conflict and couldn't attend. Will the recording of the forum be made available to members? Thanks! Peter ------------------------------ Peter Hepburn Head Librarian, College of the ...
Posted By Peter Hepburn Jun 21, 2023 09:43 PM
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Erin, thanks for sharing these on the broader list. I'm trying to reconcile the second one with my recollections of the annual conference in San Francisco. Pride was that same weekend, and it also coincided with the Supreme Court Decision on same gender marriage. It seemed to me that an awful lot ...
Posted By Peter Hepburn Apr 22, 2023 06:13 PM
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Last night the LA Times Book Prizes were presented.  The last award of the evening was the Innovator's Award, given to the Freedom to Read Foundation.  Our Council colleague Peter Coyl was there to accept the award on behalf of the Foundation (he is the current president).  In his acceptance, he exhorted ...
Posted By Peter Hepburn Jan 31, 2023 11:41 AM
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I'm so delighted this will start up again. Thank you, Alex. Please do include me. Thanks!
Posted By Peter Hepburn Jan 29, 2023 01:40 PM
Found In Library: ALA Council
Posted By Peter Hepburn Jan 29, 2023 01:40 PM
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Council, thank you for your patience, and again, my apologies for not having ensured that EBD #3.14 and 3.14a (FY22 unaudited results) were available to you all in advance of my report this afternoon.  I have attached the documents here. I'll also remind you all of the EB documents page so that you ...
Posted By Peter Hepburn Jun 26, 2020 01:41 PM
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Council, Per its duty to consider and then advise Council on resolutions that may have fiscal implications for the association, BARC has discussed the proposed resolution on financial autonomy and collaboration among ALA management and divisions and round tables.  I have shared the response first with ...
Posted By Peter Hepburn Jun 03, 2020 05:18 PM
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Hi Gina, I just want to address the question you end with:  yes, it is absolutely appropriate for you to introduce, suggest, discuss, vote on resolutions that go beyond what your round table typically engages in.  Same goes for all Councilors irrespective of whether at-large, chapter, RT, or division.  ...
Posted By Peter Hepburn Sep 04, 2019 11:39 AM
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All, Per my message to the Council list, I am posting the final report and FAQ of the fines working group to ALA Connect as well.  I wanted to ensure that it was available not just to Council in this way, but to the broader ALA membership.  Forgive the duplicative messages that you are receiving as a ...
Posted By Peter Hepburn Sep 04, 2019 11:38 AM
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Posted By Peter Hepburn Jun 24, 2019 07:45 AM
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Emily, I can't agree with you more on this.  Thank you for raising this point. Peter ------------------------------ Peter Hepburn Head Librarian College of the Canyons ------------------------------
Posted By Peter Hepburn Jan 18, 2019 08:44 AM
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Hi Emily, Terrific feedback, thank you. ALA Policy Manual and other statements and documents from the association already speak to the inequities created by fees and levies, but it may strengthen the whereas clauses for me to be more explicit about that. I do see the two as related, so drawing that ...
Posted By Peter Hepburn Jan 17, 2019 04:59 PM
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Karen, thank you!  I plan to submit a final draft by end of day Tuesday, so I welcome your comments (and others') until then.  Much appreciated. And credit where credit is due:  Andy Woodworth, a librarian at a public library in New Jersey, has done much of the heavy lifting I have drawn upon for the ...
Posted By Peter Hepburn Jan 17, 2019 04:30 PM
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Good afternoon everyone! I have shared a draft of a Resolution on Monetary Library Fines as a Form of Social Injustice with the Resolutions Committee, and some of you have already had a glimpse at an earlier draft as well.  I will be bringing this forward at Council at Midwinter.  I look forward to the ...
Posted By Peter Hepburn Jun 12, 2018 12:02 PM
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Good morning all, Attached is a tribute resolution recognizing Lois Ann Gregory-Wood for 50 years of service with ALA.  The resolution is currently with the Resolutions Committee, and a final draft will be ready in time for conference.  I will be asking your permission at Council at Annual to read it ...
Posted By Peter Hepburn Nov 03, 2017 10:24 AM
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Martin, you have captured some of the questions I have been wondering. I would appreciate knowing more of these things in order to consider the resolution better. For example, was there something that was generally lacking across the pool of candidates that prevented the search committee from recommending ...
Posted By Peter Hepburn Jan 03, 2017 01:13 PM
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Hi Bernadine, and happy New Year everyone! I've seen some discussion here, on the Council list, and in social media regarding the ED educational requirements in relation to ALA as an accrediting body. I thought it would be good to provide some additional information (with thanks to Keith Fiels, Mary ...