ALA Council

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  • 1.  Two Resolutions from RainbowRT for Review

    Posted Jun 21, 2023 09:22 PM

    Hello fellow Councilors,

    As the RainbowRT Councilor, I am bringing forth two resolutions for us to vote on this week. Nadia Orozco-Sahi is the seconder on both. Please review and let me know if you have any feedback. Both resolutions are attached.

    Resolution Condemning Discrimination Against Library Workers and Supporting the LGBTQIA+ Community

    Resolution to Investigate Changing Dates for Future Annual Conferences of the American Library Association

    Erin Berman
    RainbowRT Councilor
    Division Director, Alameda County Library

  • 2.  RE: Two Resolutions from RainbowRT for Review

    Posted Jun 21, 2023 09:43 PM

    Erin, thanks for sharing these on the broader list.


    I'm trying to reconcile the second one with my recollections of the annual conference in San Francisco.  Pride was that same weekend, and it also coincided with the Supreme Court Decision on same gender marriage.  It seemed to me that an awful lot of conference attendees were able to celebrate Pride that weekend (though maybe not in their home towns), and in conjunction with local libraries.


    I understand the spirit of the resolution, but I also see how it closes ALA, and the Rainbow Round Table specifically, off from being able to enjoy that celebration in the communities in which we hold conferences.  Frankly, I thought that was one of the potential benefits of holding Annual in June – that we could partner with local libraries to make their Pride presence all the more resonant.


    I'd also like to hear from our PLA and AASL colleagues about the timing of the annual conference in relation to summer reading programs and to the K-12 school year.  That may be a bigger consideration for us as an association.






    Peter Hepburn, EdD

    Head Librarian, College of the Canyons

    ALA Treasurer, 2022-2025



  • 3.  RE: Two Resolutions from RainbowRT for Review

    Posted Jun 22, 2023 02:23 AM
    I'll me-too Peter's response: "Frankly, I thought that was one of the potential benefits of holding Annual in June – that we could partner with local libraries to make their Pride presence all the more resonant." 

    One element of my dissertation on openly LGBTQIA+ academic library leaders was a timeline of queer/library events from the 1960s forward. Don't worry, I'm not going to ask any of you to read my dissertation, but I checked the timeline and note the following: 

    1986: "ALA  [Gay and Lesbian] Task Force members, carrying a banner, participate as an identifiable contingent in New York City's pride march, a practice that continues to date [2017] when ALA conferences overlap with a conference site's Pride weekend." 

    I have participated many times in ALA Pride events, whether in the actual parades or in the after-parties or general bonhomie. Having the opportunity to be a "Pride tourist" in a big city during Annual is a plus for me as an ALA member and conference attendees. (Let's not forget the Toronto conference, with its weddings!) I love our local Pride events and I'm proud to say that this year I was the co-coordinator of my university's first-ever contingent in our county Pride parade (June 3). That said, the overlap between ALA Annual and our host city's Pride events has always seemed spot-on for me.

    Karen G. Schneider
    RRT Member

  • 4.  RE: Two Resolutions from RainbowRT for Review

    Posted Jun 22, 2023 05:58 AM
    Yes, Peter, the second one would make ALA Annual attendance more difficult for school librarians than it already is. Getting out of school during the last weeks of school for many librarians is very difficult. And for states like NYS where I live, I could get the last few days of school off by spending days in the library wrapping it up when I got back. I hear SO often about why ALA is not after the school year is over since the majority of us attend on our own time and money.  School librarian attendance will go down if this passes.

    Sigh. Sara
    Sara Kelly Johns
    Online Instructor, Syracuse University iSchool
    American Library Association Councilor-at-Large
    American Association of School Librarians Past President (2007-08)
    New York Library Association Past President (2014-15)
    67 Canaras Ave.
    Saranac Lake, NY 12983
    PH: 518-569-2339
    Twitter: @skjohns 

  • 5.  RE: Two Resolutions from RainbowRT for Review

    Posted Jun 22, 2023 08:09 AM
    I can totally understand how it is a benefit to some folks who enjoy celebrating Pride in various cities. San Francisco was indeed a joyous time. On the flip side, last year in DC when the Supreme Court overturned Roe, many were left without their families and without celebration. 

    Some like to be away from their families, celebrating with their work colleagues. Many would like to be with their loved ones in their home cities. In a moment when we're seeing the a huge surge of anti-LGBTQ legislation, this is a moment to pause and reconsider what impact our conference dates have. 

    This resolution doesn't change any dates for conferences. What it asks is for the conference committee to look into what's possible and report back. I want our school library workers to attend too! That should be taken into consideration. What we're looking for is for there be intention to investigate the possibilities, that's it. Once we hear the report back, we can look at further action. I think this is the very least we could do to show support.  

    Erin Berman
    Division Director: Learning Group 

  • 6.  RE: Two Resolutions from RainbowRT for Review

    Posted Jun 22, 2023 08:54 AM
    That's a reasonable point, Erin. Thanks for sharing this resolution in advance of Annual. 

    Those of us providing feedback (as requested) aren't saying "don't put this forward," we're sharing the lenses we have. That can be helpful for the movers in preparing for Council discussion on this item, and it also gives RRT members who are not on Council an opportunity to address this resolution. 

    Karen G. Schneider

  • 7.  RE: Two Resolutions from RainbowRT for Review

    Posted Jun 22, 2023 04:13 PM

    Always welcome thoughtful discussion! Also wanted to be clear as to what this resolution is asking for and what it's not. The hope is that a variety of voices can be heard by the Conference Committee so that a report can be made back to Council about what the best options might be.



    Erin Berman

    Division Director | Learning Group

    Main Library Phone: 510-745-1500 | Direct Line: 510-745-1520


    Mission: We Grow Learners, Break Barriers, Build Futures  

    Vision: Kind, Connected Humans

    Values: Authenticity, Integrity, Creativity, Curiosity, Empathy