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Andrew Pace

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Posted By Andrew Pace Jun 03, 2024 08:23 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Jim,Forgive my quick and shirt reply but wanted to address in a timely manner... COO has begun this work with a survey that has gone out to all committee chairs. This is a precursor to conversations that COO members will have as followup. ALA staff is also helping with some data collection. I will ...
Posted By Andrew Pace Apr 19, 2024 08:17 AM
Found In Egroup: SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)
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Dear SRRT Colleagues, I would not normally use this channel to promote ARL-related events, but I thought this summer conference particularly well-suited to this audience of strong advocates and activists for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access, and Justice. I just wanted to make sure it was on SRRT's ...
Posted By Andrew Pace Jan 08, 2024 11:52 AM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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I'm replying as a Councilor but also as chair of the Committee on Organization. Out of curiosity have any of the movers or seconders talked to the Chapter Relations Committee? If this resolution is passed, it might require some change to charge and/or composition of that committee, which would require ...
Posted By Andrew Pace Jul 19, 2023 07:46 AM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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To be more kind, I'd like to see the State Librarians better equipped to respond to these challenges.  Or Maybe we convene something with state chapter councilors to hear concerns raised. As a believer in intellectual freedom, I can support opinions in our profession that are contrary to our policy, ...
Posted By Andrew Pace Jul 18, 2023 09:51 AM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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I'd like to join the small chorus in support of signing the letter created by Jessamyn . The chorus on that letter is much larger than Council. I'd also like to express some disappointment in ALA's response, which countered as if ALA had been attacked when, in fact, its president was attacked. Where ...