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American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

  • 1.  American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 13, 2023 03:23 PM
    Edited by Emily Drabinski Jul 13, 2023 03:23 PM

    American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    CHICAGO (July 13, 2023) - The American Library Association (ALA) is a non-partisan, non-profit membership organization that develops, promotes, and improves library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all. ALA has remained committed to this mission since its inception in 1876, serving people of all demographic backgrounds and ideologies and becoming a valuable resource for its members and the field at large.


    The value placed on ensuring diversity in perspective and background is evident in ALA's democratic electoral process. ALA presidents are elected by its membership to serve a term of one year and make decisions facing the membership in concert with a 15-member elected executive board and a 131-member elected council. Operational decisions are made by ALA staff leadership working with a full range of committees and advisory groups.


    One of the most significant benefits to membership is full access to ALA's standards for library services; continuing education and professional development opportunities; community of practice and subject matter experts; and funding sources, grants, scholarships, in-kind support, and resources that help to underwrite the delivery of programs and services for library users. ALA membership also provides benefits to state libraries, including access to timely library data; reports and white papers; benchmarking information and environmental scans; policy and advocacy support; technical assistance on accessing federal and state-level funding; technical assistance on issues related to broadband access and affordability; e-rates, e-books and copyright; as well as discounts on job postings, product purchases, media subscriptions, and more.


    Through ALA membership, the Montana State Library has been able to join resourceful ALA divisions, such as the Public Library Association (PLA), Core, and United for Libraries to get information specific to public libraries and library leadership. Joining these specialized groups is a benefit of ALA membership and provides tools, resources, and community specific to that type of library or role within the library.


    In the last two years, ALA has awarded more than $218,000 to 23 Montana libraries via program grants ranging from $6,000 for Digital Literacy Training Workshops to $35,0000 from ALA's Library Covid Relief Fund. Most recently, ALA announced a $10,000 grant to a Montana tribal college library. For its services to the broader public, ALA has received numerous awards and recognition. This fall, ALA is slated to receive one of the nation's highest recognitions for its work in adult literacy, an area that the Montana Library Commission members cited as an area of priority during the July 11, hearing.


    ALA membership is voluntary and contributes directly back to ALA's mission, with the largest portions of dues going directly into supporting professional development for library workers (40%), membership engagement (21%), and advocating for the preservation of library services (14%). Individual and institutional memberships serve to improve and expand the reach of school, academic, and public library services and learning; create an expansive and inclusive information ecosystem; and promote and raise the visibility of librarianship and library stewardship.


    ALA is the leading organization advocating for state-level funding from the federal government through the Institute of Museum and Library Services' (IMLS) grants to states. Through ALA's efforts with its members, the Montana State Library has seen an increase of 24% from 2019 to 2023, resulting in $1,428,817 in funds. The Montana State Library uses these federal dollars to provide communities with a variety of services and programs, including access to electronic databases, computer instruction, homework centers, summer reading programs, digitization of special collections, access to e-books and adaptive technology, bookmobile service, and development of outreach programs to the underserved.


    Despite the decision in Montana this week, ALA remains committed to providing essential support, resources, and opportunities for every library and library worker in every state and territory across the nation to help them better serve their communities.


    The Montana Library Association's response to the decision is available here.

    Emily Drabinski
    Critical Pedagogy Librarian
    The Graduate Center, CUNY

  • 2.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 14, 2023 10:43 AM

    Please join me in signing a letter of support for ALA President Emily Drabinski who could also benefit from our solidarity at this time. (add your name at the bottom)

    Jessamyn West
    Chapter Councilor - Vermont

  • 3.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 14, 2023 12:52 PM

    Thank you for sharing that letter Jessamyn! Have to say that I was a bit confused and disappointed by the official ALA response. All it seemed to do was talk about what ALA does and that the association would continue to support library workers. While I understand the hesitancy on the part of the association, we're facing the biggest culture war against libraries since McCarthyism. We've got to figure out how to stand bravely in the face of so much hate. It's frustrating to not see the association stand up in support of its president and her right to speak about her personal values and identity.



    Erin Berman

    Division Director | Learning Group

    Main Library Phone: 510-745-1500 | Direct Line: 510-745-1520


    Mission: We Grow Learners, Break Barriers, Build Futures  

    Vision: Kind, Connected Humans

    Values: Authenticity, Integrity, Creativity, Curiosity, Empathy 


  • 4.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 14, 2023 03:13 PM

    Hi all,

    Thank you to everyone for your solidarity. This has been a challenging week, lonely in many ways. Too many of us have recent experience of being targeted for the work we try to do in our communities--no easy way to put it, it just sucks. Knowing that I have the support of committed colleagues means so much. 

    Institutions are precious and they are worth protecting. That includes our libraries, and it includes the American Library Association. I did not expect to find myself barely two weeks into my term facing this kind of organized and baseless attack on my character. Just a couple of weeks ago we were celebrating! I deeply regret the ways I have been weaponized in the ongoing assault on public institutions and the organizations like ours that support and advance them. I hope we can be galvanized by this moment and work together toward a proactive agenda that addresses the needs of libraries on our terms, not theirs. What do we need, from ourselves, from our association, and from the publics we serve, in order to have the libraries and communities we want and deserve? What will it take to get us there, and how can  ALA advance those priorities? We are in urgent times, and I am grateful to be grappling with answers to these and other questions with all of you. I know that I do not lead alone. I lead with my Executive Board and Council colleagues, alongside the committed ALA staff who share our commitments.

    We will have structured opportunities throughout the year to talk, strategize, and make decisions. In between, I'd love to connect with my Council colleagues. Please reach out if you have ideas or concerns to share. Talking often works better than email--you can always book a time to talk with me via my online calendar:


    Emily Drabinski
    Critical Pedagogy Librarian
    The Graduate Center, CUNY

  • 5.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 14, 2023 03:30 PM
    Thank you, Jessamyn, for the opportunity to support Emily and ALA. I appreciate the response from the Montana Library Association and am very glad it was included in the ALA press release. 

    Sara Kelly Johns
    Online Instructor, Syracuse University iSchool
    American Library Association Councilor-at-Large
    American Association of School Librarians Past President (2007-08)
    New York Library Association Past President (2014-15)
    67 Canaras Ave.
    Saranac Lake, NY 12983
    PH: 518-569-2339
    Twitter: @skjohns 

  • 6.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 18, 2023 09:51 AM

    I'd like to join the small chorus in support of signing the letter created by Jessamyn . The chorus on that letter is much larger than Council. I'd also like to express some disappointment in ALA's response, which countered as if ALA had been attacked when, in fact, its president was attacked. Where was the empathy and support for the ALA president? I'm also disheartened by the lack of support from Montana's state librarian, an ex officio leader of the Montana State Library Association.  I don't know what kind of mobilization we need for this fight and I'm not entirely sure of Council's role in it, but I know we can do better. 

    Andrew K. Pace
    Executive Director, USMAI Library Consortium
    ALA: | work:
    T +1-301-314-7943 | M +1-614-787-4273 · Twitter: @andrewkpace

  • 7.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 18, 2023 10:54 AM

    Thanks Andrew. I feel like the State Librarian is in a jam because the MSLC are nominally her bosses, I believe. She may not be able to speak to this issue in exactly the same way Emily can not speak to this issue. I feel like this is an educational opportunity to help people understand the difference between MSLC and MLA, and  between ALA's Executive Director (a member of staff, who manages day-to-day) and ALA's President who is considered the chief spokesperson for the Association per this job description (pdf).

    Jennie Stapp, the Montana State Librarian was discussed and quoted at the end of this news article

    Montana State Librarian Jennie Stapp said during the meeting she was not there to defend the ALA, but some of the points of view expressed in the meeting were not accurate, although she was not going to debate those during the meeting.

    "It's the practice of the State Library when we are working with libraries, facing these very kinds of conversations in the community, to encourage community members to come together to have these kinds of conversations and to try to find resolution together," Stapp said. "I feel like leaving the American Library Association does not give us the voice to try to find resolution and doesn't mirror the practices that we advise to libraries."

    It's not too late for ALA to come out with some sort of public statement supporting their President and condemning homophobia. The interpretation of the EDI section of the Library Bill of Rights says "Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas." and this seems pretty much like now's the time?

    Our letter has 1400 signatures supporting Emily Drabinski, ALA's President. Please consider signing if you haven't already.

    Jessamyn West
    Chapter Councilor - Vermont

  • 8.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 18, 2023 11:41 AM

    Thank you Andrew and Jessamyn. We just passed a resolution at annual asking the EB to release a statement condemning the discrimination and firing of library workers for their LGBTQIA+ identities. It was so disappointing to then see that happen to Emily and not even one line in the response showing support for the President. Yes, we must uphold our institutions, but at what cost? What worth do we have as an institution if we're sacrificing our core values? Don't we stand in support of free speech? Don't we stand in support of our LGBTQIA+ library workers? Even adding a line such as Jessamyn's suggestion would have been great to see. Not only is there still time, but Council charged the EB to release this statement.


    We are losing this culture war. We need to be writing the narrative and be ahead of these things in the press. To be honest, I'm terrified that the foundation of libraries will be so shaken by these attacks that there will be no coming back. We are the most socialist government institution in existence. If the idea of libraries were floated in today's political climate there's no way they'd get started. This is a well-coordinated attack on our public institutions. If ALA can't be bold, who can be? Are there library systems or state associations that are able to be more aggressive in the defense of Emily and ALA? Now is the time for those with the privilege to do so to stand up in defense of our libraries.  




    Erin Berman

    Division Director | Learning Group

    Main Library Phone: 510-745-1500 | Direct Line: 510-745-1520


    Mission: We Grow Learners, Break Barriers, Build Futures  

    Vision: Kind, Connected Humans

    Values: Authenticity, Integrity, Creativity, Curiosity, Empathy 


  • 9.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 19, 2023 07:47 AM

    To be more kind, I'd like to see the State Librarians better equipped to respond to these challenges.  Or Maybe we convene something with state chapter councilors to hear concerns raised. As a believer in intellectual freedom, I can support opinions in our profession that are contrary to our policy, and even our general ethos. That said, if the national organization wants to stand for something, we need to be better equipped in these skirmishes. 

    Here was what threw me in the article about the hearing in Montana, From the article:

    "'I support the commission taking a stand,' Stapp said."

    Now today in Idaho:

    "But the Idaho Commission for Libraries doesn't have an ALA membership, and doesn't receive funds from the group, Idaho State Librarian Stephanie Bailey-White told the Idaho Statesman"

    Is that the best response we can muster in response to these attacks on ALA and the ALA President? I realize what Jessamyn says about the difference between state librarians and state associations. I understand that library commissioners and state librarians are often politicians and that many are not even librarians. But I feel like if our support from the state library itself is going to be tepid at best and contrary at worse, then ALA (or some other organization in partnership?) should have a strategy to be packing the rooms where these debates happen so that it's clear that we are standing up not only for intellectual freedom and LGBTQAI+ issues, but for human rights. 


    Andrew K. Pace
    Executive Director, USMAI Library Consortium
    ALA: | work:
    T +1-301-314-7943 | M +1-614-787-4273 · Twitter: @andrewkpace

  • 10.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 19, 2023 08:05 AM
    I think one strategy is to reach out to COSLA and have these discussions especially concerning a response for the state librarians. We need a better response to these attacks on both ALA and our ALA President.



    Edward Garcia
    Library Director, Cranston Public Library

    Chair, ALA Committee on Legislation
    ALA Council, Rhode Island Chapter Councilor
    Chair, Legislative Action Committee, Rhode Island Library Association


  • 11.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 19, 2023 08:11 AM
    I agree with Ed. Most state librarians ARE (or used to be) librarians.  They don't consider themselves as politicians (speaking from experience), but many state libraries are seated within elected officials' offices and thus have restrictions about how or whether they can issue blanket statements,etc.  It's a really tough job and many are struggling with all these issues, as they are caught between a rock and a hard place.

    Give them grace.


    Margaret M. Conroy (she/her/hers)
    Executive Director
    Daniel Boone Regional Library
    100 W. Broadway, P.O. Box 1267, Columbia, MO 65205
    Phone: 573-817-7011

  • 12.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 22, 2023 09:34 PM

    I will gladly sign this statement, and I would like to echo support for Andrew's points.  While I also understand and agree with Lynn's point that especially in certain states, funding remains precarious and that infinitely complicates these issues, I think nevertheless the political nature of State Librarian positions is something all State Library associations must put into perspective when organizing for intellectual freedom/making sure we are responding to these attacks on LGBTQIA+ rights in a robust way.

    Mariah Ralston
    ND interim ALA Chapter Councilor 

    Mariah Ralston

  • 13.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 18, 2023 11:33 AM

    Perhaps a couple Chapter Councilors could draft a statement or letter of support that all Chapters could be invited to sign on to? I don't have capacity to draft that letter/statement at this time, but would be happy to refer it to my state association's Executive Board for consideration. 

    Amanda Vazquez
    Library Director
    Dubuque County Library District | 563-582-0008

  • 14.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 21, 2023 09:02 AM
      |   view attached

    Something like this? Please edit as needed. 

    Nadia Orozco-Sahi

  • 15.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 21, 2023 10:45 AM

    I can also ask the Division Councilors?


    Sent from Mail for Windows


  • 16.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 21, 2023 12:44 PM

    That would be excellent. I've updated the document to include division councilors.

    In all honesty, I have never written or proposed a statement like this before, and would be glad for any guidance on next steps. 
    Following Sarah's advice, I shall reach out to the Chapter Relations office now as well. 

    Nadia Orozco-Sahi

  • 17.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 21, 2023 02:31 PM

    Nadia, I found this to be incredibly powerful, inspirational and moving. As a Councilor at Large, I would be proud to sign on and I'm sure the other CaLs would as well.


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  • 18.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 21, 2023 05:42 PM

    This is AMAZING, Nadia! Thank you so much for putting it together



    Erin Berman

    Division Director | Learning Group

    Main Library Phone: 510-745-1500 | Direct Line: 510-745-1520


    Mission: We Grow Learners, Break Barriers, Build Futures  

    Vision: Kind, Connected Humans

    Values: Authenticity, Integrity, Creativity, Curiosity, Empathy 


  • 19.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 22, 2023 12:23 PM

    As the chapter counselor from Idaho, first let me state that I support Nadia's draft and that the release from the Idaho Freedom Caucus comes from a far right group of legislators, several of them that represent voters from my own community. I personally found it disturbing and it gave me, as an Idahoan, a library director and a voter, more insight to the true nature of that group based on the language they used. 

    While personally I believe we must push back against the rhetoric and personal attacks, you should know that is not always the message we are receiving from our lobbyists. And, when our state librarian is choosing her words, she is choosing them with full knowledge that this letter came directly from those holding the purse strings. Over the past several years these legislators have turned down millions in funds aimed at early childhood education and recently millions in federal dollars that would have benefited hungry children. If you are in a state where your legislators support your libraries, public education, early childhood education and higher education I envy you. But please know, in some states that is not the case. Our state librarian, and I suspect the Montana state librarian, are attempting to walk the fine line between politics and library core values in order to keep their institutions intact.

    Please do not interpret my email as justification for anyone's actions, but simply as a description of the intersection of politics and providing library services in some western states.

    I do agree that supporting all state librarians through COSLA would be very beneficial as Ed mentioned. 

    Lynn Johnson
    Idaho Chapter Counselor 


  • 20.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 21, 2023 11:07 AM

    This is a great statement, Nadia!  It's positive and supportive of both Emily and ALA.  Thanks for sharing it. Can councilors-at-large also sign or should at-large folks issue a separate statement?

    I also want to point you to the statement that my state chapter, DC Library Association  (DCLA), issued this week with help from our Council rep, the inestimable K.C. Boyd.: 

    I think more statements of support issued by state chapters would be a great way to show  solidarity.

    Leah Richardson
    Director of Archives and Special Collections
    George Washington University

  • 21.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 21, 2023 11:23 AM

    I agree with Leah. Nadia, that is a great statement. I'll see if I can get my local chapter to do something similar. I'd be happy to sign on to this one.

    Jessamyn West
    Chapter Councilor - Vermont

  • 22.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 21, 2023 11:25 AM
    Nadia, I think this looks great!

    Has there been any guidance from the Chapter Relations Office?

    Sarah Mai Schroeder, MLIS  - SC Chapter Councilor
    Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
    Events & Experience Librarian| EDI Council MemberRichland Library
    1431 Assembly Street | Columbia, SC 29201 
    (p) 803-929-3468 (e)

    Access Freely at

  • 23.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 21, 2023 12:43 PM

    I had not reached out to them - but will do that now to see what guidance they can offer. 

    Thank you Sarah.

    Nadia Orozco-Sahi

  • 24.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 26, 2023 08:49 AM

    Nadia, thank you for crafting this statement.

    I have Board members who are also interested in signing the statement, so that member leaders are speaking with the same voice. Is it possible to expand the statement to include Division Boards and possibly other leadership groups?

    Rachel Fleming (They/Them/Theirs)
    Scholarly Communications Librarian
    University of Tennessee Chattanooga

  • 25.  RE: American Library Association Responds to Montana State Library Commission's Decision to Withdraw Montana State Library's Membership

    Posted Jul 26, 2023 11:25 AM

    Hi all,

    I won't be able to say in words what it has meant to me to have the vocal support of so many of you over the past many days. Those of you who are balancing all kinds of constraints and who have different perspectives, I see you too and completely understand. We are all threading challenging needles, and grace with each other will continue to be important. I have a thick skin earned through the labor movement, but even that hasn't protected me from the feelings of shame, guilt, fear, and doubt that these attacks are intended to provoke. I share this experience with too many library workers. It is not okay. 

    I am also grateful for the organizing work happening around a statement of support. Our nimble ALA staff has informed the Board that Council cannot make statements on its own as the body's conduit is the Board. 

    This means Council will need to think through how best to distribute this message of support. It could be sent to us as an Executive Board for consideration, or it could be shared in other ways, perhaps as an open letter. Of course, governance is complicated and I'm sure I'm not thinking through all the nuances. I welcome any thoughts on this piece of the process. 

    This will be a consequential governance year--it already is. I couldn't be prouder to be doing this work with all of you.

    All my best,


    Emily Drabinski
    Critical Pedagogy Librarian
    The Graduate Center, CUNY