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Katherine Lester

Wayne State University

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Wayne State University

Katherine Lester

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Posted By Katherine Lester Jun 29, 2024 04:33 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Dear Councilors,I wanted to say thank you for the support of the Resolution to Support School and Academic Library Chapters at today's meeting. I wanted to publicly say thank you to the many ALA Presidents who have worked to specifically support school libraries. From my own personal experience, I would ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Jun 12, 2024 03:50 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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The YCC group working on this resolution wants to thank everyone for the comments. We wanted to let all councilors know that the resolution has once again been updated based on feedback from various groups. From the time that I sent it to Council in May -- we have made the following changes. ...
Posted By Katherine Lester May 14, 2024 06:49 AM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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The Youth Council Caucus (YCC) has worked on rewriting the resolution that we started before LibLearnX and we want to bring it to council at Annual. The whereas clauses are similar; however, the resolved clauses have been rewritten. ALA and the Chapter Relations Office since December have increased ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Apr 26, 2024 07:31 AM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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URGENT! The deadline in the House has been moved up to Monday, April 29th.See the below information --The best action is to call (see the call script below) and follow up with an email. Thank you all!--Kathy LesterAs you know, ALA launched our federal FY 2025 #FundLibraries campaign last Monday with ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Jan 19, 2024 08:18 AM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Dear Councilors, I wanted to let you know that the group working on the Resolution to Support School & Academic Library Chapters received some very late additional comments on this resolution that we would like to take some time to consider. Thus, we asked the ALA Resolutions Committee to remove this ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Jan 16, 2024 06:42 AM
Found In Egroup: AASL Chapters Forum
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Hi Mandy, We have not had legislation like this in Michigan - but, I'm wondering if you have reached out to the Office of Intellectual Freedom and/or the Chapters Relations Office. They would be able to support you with knowing what other states have faced legislation similar to this and some ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Jan 12, 2024 10:23 AM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Hello Kara, I wanted to let you know that the group working on this resolution reached out the the ACRL Chapter Councils Chair in December. He attended one of the workgroup meetings and answered our questions and provided input. Our group also took a look at the resolution and we found two Resolved ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Jan 07, 2024 06:47 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Dear ALA Councilors, A group from the Youth Council Caucus had shared a DRAFT Resolution to Support School & Academic Library Chapters with Council on December 22nd. We have received some suggestions from Council members and have updated the Resolution to reflect those comments. We also made changes ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Dec 22, 2023 06:06 AM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Dear ALA Councilors, Some members of the Youth Council Caucus and other ALA members have drafted a Resolution to Support School & Academic Library Chapters that we would like to present during the LibLearnX Council Meetings this January. We are interested in comments from Council members and are ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Oct 05, 2023 08:20 AM
Found In Egroup: AASL Chapters Forum
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Dear Chapter Forum Members --Please pass on Jennifer's information and the invite to the Right to Read Rally, Friday, October 20th at 5:30pm in the Convention Center to everyone in your Chapter! The Right to Read Rally is going to be a great time to show support for each other and especially for our ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Aug 04, 2023 06:59 AM
Found In Egroup: AASL Chapters Forum
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I've had a few individuals ask me for the resources shared during the June Town Hall: "Share and Connect: State Level Advocacy." You can find the resources here (this includes a link to the recording). --Kathy ------------------------------ Kathy Lester, MLIS, MA AASL Immediate Past ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Jul 27, 2023 05:45 AM
Found In Egroup: AASL Chapters Forum
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Here is the direct link to contact your members of Congress: Tell Your Members: Co-Sponsor the Right to Read Act! (The red buttons were not clickable in my version of the email -- maybe you were experiencing the same problem.) In any case, it is very important to reach out to your members ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Jun 13, 2023 05:22 PM
Found In Egroup: AASL Chapters Forum
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REMINDER: AASL Town Hall - Tomorrow Evening - June 14, 2023, 6pm central, 7pm eastern. Join AASL President Kathy Lester, AASL Chapter Assembly Chair Barbara Johnson, and state-level advocates Tricina Strong-Beebe (NJ) and Eryn Duffee (WA) to discuss the importance of advocating at the state level ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Aug 04, 2022 06:44 AM
Found In Egroup: AASL Chapters Forum
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In my KQ Blog post Supporting Each Other, I suggested using this Chapters Forum for state leaders to share ideas around tackling educational policy issues and advocating in their states...and to support each other. I thought that I would kick off this conversation by providing some information about ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Mar 17, 2022 10:22 AM
Found In Egroup: AASL Chapters Forum
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Dear AASL Members, I am inviting all AASL Members to "Get Involved" in AASL! As AASL President-Elect, I will soon be appointing AASL members to the various committees, task forces, and other volunteer positions in AASL. I am so impressed as I see school librarians across the nation transform learning ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Feb 22, 2022 05:15 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Thank you, Diane, for sharing the #aasltwosday initiative and a special thank you to all Councilors who have contributed or will contribute still! ​I love the library profession and by giving and being involved; I find that I am often gaining far more than I am receiving. "I Gave on #aasltwosday" All ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Jan 18, 2022 05:01 AM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Thank you, Diane, for sharing the concerns of many school librarians. Both resolutions -- this resolution on EDI and the Resolution to Support School and Youth Services Librarians Facing Increased Intellectual Freedom Challenges -- are looking for all ALA members to come together at this crucial time ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Jun 27, 2021 11:50 AM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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I agree with Dorcas and Diane.  Being new to the ALA Council, I am assuming that the Youth Caucus does not have a separate connect space where we continue to discuss the issues? As mentioned in the meeting, I am concerned about the representation of youth librarians and in particular school librarians ...
Posted By Katherine Lester Jun 24, 2021 06:39 AM
Found In Egroup: AASL Chapters Forum
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At last evening's Chapter Assembly, there was some discussion about increasing membership. Yesterday, I presented at a Project RUSL kick-off/orientation -- to welcome a group of teachers from two Michigan urban school districts who are beginning a program at Wayne State University to add Library Media ...