List of Contributions

Melissa Del Castillo

Virtual Learning & Outreach Librarian,
Florida International University

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Virtual Learning & Outreach Librarian,
Florida International University

Melissa Del Castillo

My Content

1 to 20 of 30 total
2nd Annual ALA Huddle: What Are the Implications of Generative Artificial Intelligence Programs like ChatGPT on reference and instruction? There will be discussions on Challenges & benefits of using genAI for reference instruction. How are you incorporating genAI into your library workflows? New ...
Are you interested in joining an effort to create a new AI interest group through RUSA? The Artificial Intelligence in Reference Services Interest Group is looking for 10+ volunteers to petition the RUSA Board. *Please respond to this Connect Post with your name and email.* Establishment Any group ...
Hi! I'm Melissa, and I'd love for you to join FIU Libraries for use cases for integrating AI into your library workflows, practices, and services. Public services, GIS, and digital collections projects will be discussed, along with how to collaborate within your institution to build communities of ...
Breaking Boundaries: Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT to Transform Library Services Saturday, June 29, 2024: 9:00am – 10:00am Pacific Location: San Diego Convention Center, Room 30 A B C D E Presenter: Rebecca J. Bakker – Florida International University Presenter: Melissa ...
Given the bias, legal, and misinformation issues with generative AI, what tenets should be included in a framework for AI literacy? My cursery suggestions: Generative AI is a content creator and will generate content regardless of veracity and copyright. Generative AI is only as valuable as the ...
What AI Tools are you using on a day-to-day basis? Which generative or other AI have you made part of your library workflow? My go-to is Gemni by Google in docs & slides. #rusaforum24 ------------------------------ Melissa Del Castillo Virtual Learning & Outreach Librarian Florida ...
Join my session @ LibLearn X: The Library Learning Experience: Baltimore, MD: January 19th – 22nd, 2024 Melissa Del Castillo will be co-presenting an Ideas Xchange with Hope Kelly "ChatGPT is a Liar and other Lessons Learned from Information Literacy Instructors" Saturday, January 20th, 2024, ...
Thank you for sharing this great video! ------------------------------ Melissa Del Castillo Virtual Learning & Outreach Librarian Florida International University She/Her/Hers ------------------------------
After reading: How Well Can ChatGPT Answer Library Reference Questions?: Aisha: A Custom AI Library Chatbot Using the ChatGPT API: "Do We Need Librarians ...
Thanks Shannon! ------------------------------ Melissa Del Castillo Virtual Learning & Outreach Librarian Florida International University She/Her/Hers ------------------------------
Hello All! I'm trying to put together a list of AI & ChatGPT LibGuides. Do you have any you have created or would recommend? I'm compiling a list here: ------------------------------ Melissa Del Castillo Virtual Learning & Outreach Librarian Florida International ...
Thank you! ------------------------------ Melissa Del Castillo Virtual Learning & Outreach Librarian Florida International University She/Her/Hers ------------------------------
Hello, If you currently use or plan to use the generative text tool ChatGPT in conjunction with your information literacy instruction, we want to hear from you! We hope to understand better how librarians use this artificial intelligence chatbot in their information literacy instruction and how they ...
Posted By Melissa Del Castillo Aug 29, 2023 09:38 AM
Found In Egroup: Core Electronic Resources Interest Group
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Hello, If you currently use or plan to use the generative text tool ChatGPT in conjunction with your information literacy instruction, we want to hear from you! We hope to understand better how librarians use this artificial intelligence chatbot in their information literacy instruction and how ...
Hello, If you currently use or plan to use the generative text tool ChatGPT in conjunction with your information literacy instruction, we want to hear from you! We hope to understand better how librarians use this artificial intelligence chatbot in their information literacy instruction and how ...
Hello, If you currently use or plan to use the generative text tool ChatGPT in conjunction with your information literacy instruction, we want to hear from you! We hope to understand better how librarians use this artificial intelligence chatbot in their information literacy instruction and how ...
Posted By Melissa Del Castillo Aug 29, 2023 09:14 AM
Found In Egroup: Core Instructional Technologies Interest Group
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Hello, If you currently use or plan to use the generative text tool ChatGPT in conjunction with your information literacy instruction, we want to hear from you! We hope to understand better how librarians use this artificial intelligence chatbot in their information literacy instruction and how they ...
Posted By Melissa Del Castillo Aug 29, 2023 09:06 AM
Found In Egroup: Digital Badges Interest Group
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Hello, If you currently use or plan to use the generative text tool ChatGPT in conjunction with your information literacy instruction, we want to hear from you! We hope to understand better how librarians use this artificial intelligence chatbot in their information literacy instruction and how ...
This week Open AI quietly shut down its new AI Classifier due to accuracy.    "As of July 20, 2023, the AI classifier is no longer available due to its low rate of accuracy. We are working to incorporate feedback and are currently researching more effective provenance techniques for text, and ...
During the recent RUSA Huddle in the ALA Connect Room on 6/26/23, a conversation was started on the implications of generative AI programs like ChatGPT on reference and instruction. I created this community to explore that topic. Please respond to this discussion post with any pertinent topics to explore. ...