Core Subject Analysis Committee Public Space

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👐 Anyone can view all content in the group, but only people who join it can post to it. Anyone can join for free to participate.

Purpose: This group is a space for the Core Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) to post documents publicly and have public discussions that are open to anyone.

This group is part of our Metadata & Collections Section.
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  • 1.  Tentative List 2406 is now available

    Posted May 21, 2024 05:25 AM

    Hello SACO members,


    The Tentative Subject List for June (List 2406) is now available at this website:


    This list contains the proposed subject headings received by the Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division from SACO members and LC catalogers. If approved at the Subject Policy meeting on June 21, the headings will be added to the Library of Congress Subject Headings. LC catalogers and SACO participants are encouraged to review the tentative lists and provide substantive input on the proposals.


    Comments and suggestions should be sent to by Tuesday, June 18, 2024.


    Please let me know if you have any questions.


    Veronica Ranieri

    Cataloging Policy Specialist

    Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division

    Library of Congress


  • 2.  RE: Tentative List 2406 is now available

    Posted May 21, 2024 08:35 AM
    150 Art, Turkic    [May Subd Geog]    [sp2024000600]
    450 should be Turkic art

    150 Balloons, barrage    [May Subd Geog]    [sp2024000635]
    150 should be in direct order: Barrage balloons

    150 Terrace gardens    [May Subd Geog]    [sp2023002317]
    Should the reference from Terrace gardening to Patio gardening be removed from sh 85098713, or revised to something like Terrace gardening (Patios)?

    Sherman Clarke
    ARLIS/NA liaison to SAC
    Art SACO / NACO