Hi all - just a quick update: for library consortia that are potentially interested in joining the Professional Development Alliance, please reach out to instruction librarian Devon Waugh at devon@nclive.org. Thank you!
Michael Rodriguez
Senior Strategist, Content and Scholarly Communication Initiatives
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 05, 2024 02:16 PM
From: Michael Rodriguez
Subject: Professional Development Alliance of Library Consortia
Hi everyone,
Are you familiar with the Professional Development Alliance of Library Consortia? This is an informal association of library consortia that have banded together to share free, online professional development opportunities across their memberships.
Sessions cover a broad array of topics of interest to library workers, greatly expanding the number and range of high-quality webinars and professional development opportunities available to each consortium's members.
The Professional Development Alliance began as a pilot program in the fall of 2020. Over a dozen consortia all over the country have joined:
If you represent a library consortium and wish to learn more about the Professional Development Alliance, please contact Nicole Swanson, Senior Coordinator, Library Services and Outreach, CARLI: long20 [at] uillinois.edu.
Great to see these kinds of inter-consortial collaborations!
Best wishes,
Michael Rodriguez
Chair, Core Consortium Management Interest Group