Core Promoting Preservation Interest Group

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Purpose: Advocates for preservation of cultural heritage materials among librarians and non-librarians by offering educational opportunities and supporting outreach efforts both inside and outside of institutional library contexts. To promote understanding of preservation principles and objectives, development of preservation skill sets, and cultivation of potential preservation funding sources.

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Seeking nominations for the Society of American Archivist Preservation Publication award--deadline Feb 28

  • 1.  Seeking nominations for the Society of American Archivist Preservation Publication award--deadline Feb 28

    Posted Feb 19, 2021 02:49 PM

    I am serving on the Society of American Archivists' Preservation Publication Award Subcommittee this year and we are currently seeking nominations for the prestigious Preservation Publication Award. We need your help in identifying excellent preservation publications published in 2020. If you know of a publication that should be nominated, I am happy to make the contacts and help with the process.


    Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions you may have about the nomination process.



    Kara McClurken,

    Director, Preservation Services, UVA Library

    SAA Preservation Publication Award Subcommittee




    The Society of American Archivists Preservation Publication Award Subcommittee is seeking nominations for the prestigious Preservation Publication Award.

    Do you know of an outstanding preservation-related work published in 2020? Would you like to see the author(s) or editor(s) recognized for contributing to preservation and the archives profession?


    Please consider submitting a nomination prior to the deadline of February 28, 2021.


    The nomination form is available at


    Additional information can be found at   I encourage you to check out the list of previous winners at the bottom of this page. Past winners have published important works on a wide range of preservation topics, including general archives and electronic records preservation, special media conservation, facilities standards for archives, and emergency preparedness and response.


    Here is some additional information about the award from the SAA website:


    Purpose and Criteria for Selection:


    Established in 1993, this award recognizes and acknowledges the author(s) or editor(s) of an outstanding published work relating to archives preservation and, through this acknowledgement, encourages outstanding achievement by others. The work can be an article, report, chapter, or monograph in an audiovisual, electronic or print format.


    The work must contribute to the advancement of the theory and practice of preservation in archives institutions by introducing new preservation theories, methods, or techniques; by codifying principles and practices of archives preservation; by presenting the results of innovative research on matters related to archives preservation; by investigating preservation issues of current interest and importance to the archives community; or by studying aspects of the history of archives profession.




    Awarded to the author(s) or editor(s) of an outstanding preservation- related work that is of relevance to the North American archives community and published during the preceding calendar year.




    Kara M. McClurken

    Director, Preservation Services

    Chair, Preservation Section of the Society of American Archivists

    University of Virginia Library
