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Purpose: Provides a regular forum for discussion and to meet at Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings. Core represents a large segment of libraries and can be influential with publishers and vendors to benefit libraries and library users as the ebook landscape evolves. Core welcomes any type of library or library agency, as well as consortia, to join this group.

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Digital Content Pricing Resolution - was eBook Pricing Resolution

  • 1.  Digital Content Pricing Resolution - was eBook Pricing Resolution

    Posted Jun 25, 2019 07:48 PM
      |   view attached
    Good evening -

    Earlier today, as the last item on the Council III agenda, Council considered and discussed the resolution on eBook pricing. One amendment was made to change the title to "Resolution on Digital Content Pricing for Libraries." The document as approved by ALA Council is attached (2019 Annual CD #53).

    As part of the discussion, there was consideration to refer the resolution to the Committee on Legislation and the Office for Information Technology Policy Advisory Committee. The motion to refer was not successful.

    In preparing to submit this to Council, I received significant support from my fellow Division Councilors. Many of the Divisions see this as a critical issue facing libraries of all types, including the issues of e-text books and e-journals. The youth services divisions (ALSC, YALSA, AASL) reminded Council of the importance for young people as well. [Indeed, at one point it felt to me that *everyone* wanted to be part of this!]

    After the resolution passed, I was approached by a number of people mostly indicating support. One concern expressed was about issues related to anti-trust. ALA is sensitive on this topic because of the number of times lawsuits are threatened or started over the issue of anti-trust. It is an area in which we must tread with incredible caution.

    The Executive Director indicated that she will be in touch over the creation of the task force. I know that you are aware that some work has been done already by the office formerly known as the "Washington Office" which is now known as "The Public Policy and Advocacy Office." (

    The discussion was lively, and generally supportive. Clearly the timing for this was good.

    Thanks for letting me help get this resolution passed.


    Michael Golrick
    ​​​ASGCLA Division Councilor, 2018-2021​
    ​ASCLA President, 2016-2017
    ​also, ALA CT Chapter Councilor (97-03), ALA EB (03-06), ALA Councilor at Large (06-12)​