Core Ebooks Interest Group

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👐 Anyone can view all content in the group, but only people who join it can post to it. Anyone can join to participate.

Purpose: Provides a regular forum for discussion and to meet at Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings. Core represents a large segment of libraries and can be influential with publishers and vendors to benefit libraries and library users as the ebook landscape evolves. Core welcomes any type of library or library agency, as well as consortia, to join this group.

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February 2 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting - Virtual Introductions

  • 1.  February 2 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting - Virtual Introductions

    Posted Feb 01, 2021 09:26 AM
    Edited by Stephen Spohn Feb 01, 2021 12:14 PM
    Greetings everyone,

    I hope that we will see many of you at the upcoming Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting.  Please see below for important information about the meeting and a very quick chore for you!

    The Meeting
    February 2
    1 - 2 pm ET / noon - 1 pm CT / 11 to noon MT / 10 to 11 am PT
    Register online

    The Agenda
    We have a very ambitious agenda for just one hour!
    1. Quick introductions
    2. Virtual introductions (see below)
    3. Digital Content Pricing for Library Working Group update
    4. Readers First update
    5. SimplyE update
    6. DPLA Exchange update
    7. Legislative updates
    8. Something new: Blossom Bilingual Ebooks

    Virtual Introductions - ACTION ITEM
    Please take some time to introduce yourself and to address any of the above agenda items either before or after the meeting.  Please copy and paste the questions below into a reply to this post along with your answers.  Your top two interests will help us to guide our activities in the next couple years.
    • Name: 
    • Title: 
    • Organization: 
    • My Role: Author, Distributor, Library, Publisher, Something Else
    • My Ebook Activities/Updates: 
    • URL To Learn More: 
    • Top Two Interests: 
      • Licensing models and pricing
      • Research and data analysis
      • Accessibility of digital content and platforms
      • Curation and the patron experience with digital books
      • Difficult to find digital content
      • SimplyE mobile app for ebooks
      • Archival access to digital content

    The Interest Group
    All are welcome and encouraged to join us in the Core Ebooks Interest Group. You just need a free ALA Connect account to get setup if you aren't already an ALA member. 

    With apologies for those who might receive multiple messages, please do cross-post.  We have likely lost more than a couple people during the transition from ASGCLA to Core, and it may take them a year or two to find their way back to us.


    Stephen Spohn
    Co-convener, Core Ebooks Interest Group | 978.799.1518 |

  • 2.  RE: February 2 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting - Virtual Introductions

    Posted Feb 01, 2021 09:31 AM
    • Name: Stephen Spohn
    • Title: Executive Director
    • Organization: Ocean State Libraries (Rhode Island)
    • My Role: Library
    • My Ebook Activities/Updates: OSL manages eZone, the statewide ebook platforms (OverDrive) in Rhode Island for the public libraries.  We are facing incredible demand due to COVID and dabbling in SimplyE.  OSL is a statewide library consortium with all 48 public libraries and 1 private school library.
    • URL To Learn More:
    • Top Two Interests: 
      • Research and data analysis
      • SimplyE mobile app for ebooks

    Stephen Spohn
    Co-convener, Core Ebooks Interest Group | 978.799.1518 |

  • 3.  RE: February 2 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting - Virtual Introductions

    Posted Feb 01, 2021 10:27 AM

    I am so excited to see the Consortial Ebooks Interest Group find a home in my long-time ALA (LITA) home!

    • Name: Christine Peterson
    • Title: Engagement & Emerging Technologies Coordinator
    • Organization: Amigos Library Services
    • My Role: Distributor/Consortium
    • My Ebook Activities/Updates: 
      • In November 2020, we added our 100th SimplyE-hosted library:
      • Continuing to work with the Texas State Library (TSLAC) on their E-Read Texas service, which focuses on providing ebook & audiobook content using the SimplyE app to the smaller public libraries in the state.
      • Finished TSLAC/IMLS grant in August which 1) provided base level functionality for hosting library-created or library-purchased content for SimplyE; and 2) created an initial set of promotional and instructional materials for library staff to use with patrons, including 2 overview videos.
      • Working with our first academic SimplyE library using SAML for authentication.
    • URL To Learn More:
    • Top Two Interests: (but all are of interest)
      • Licensing models and pricing
      • Research and data analysis
      • Accessibility of digital content and platforms
      • Curation and the patron experience with digital books
      • Difficult to find digital content
      • SimplyE mobile app for ebooks
      • Archival access to digital content


  • 4.  RE: February 2 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting - Virtual Introductions

    Posted Feb 01, 2021 10:38 AM

    Hi, all,


    Virtual Introductions - ACTION ITEM
    Please take some time to introduce yourself and to address any of the above agenda items either before or after the meeting.  Please copy and paste the questions below into a reply to this post along with your answers.  Your top two interests will help us to guide our activities in the next couple years.

    • Name: Michael Blackwell
    • Title: Director
    • Organization: St. Mary's County Library (also, ReadersFirst Working Group Project Manager)
    • My Role: Library
    • My Ebook Activities/Updates: Helped write a recent ALA Joint Digital Content Working Group position paper, with three other colleagues (whom I hope will join us) on trends in library digital audiobooks, advocating for library digital content legislation in Maryland, some advocacy with publishers, SimplyE deployment in Maryland
    • URL To Learn More:
    • Top Two Interests:  as with Christine, all of them, but see highlighted below
      • Licensing models and pricing
      • Research and data analysis
      • Accessibility of digital content and platforms
      • Curation and the patron experience with digital books
      • Difficult to find digital content
      • SimplyE mobile app for ebooks
      • Archival access to digital content

    All best,




  • 5.  RE: February 2 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting - Virtual Introductions

    Posted Feb 01, 2021 11:41 AM
    Hello everyone!

    Name:  Risa Wolf

    Title: Sr. Product Mgr, E-Reading

    Organization: The New York Public Library

    My Role: Product Lead on Library Simplified/SimplyE

    My Ebook Activities/Updates: The New York Public Library builds and supports Library Simplified and SimplyE, and we're expanding in order to address increased demand from patrons, libraries, consortia, and partner organizations. We currently have over 290 libraries in the SimplyE app and we're working on many active projects to make the platform easier to manage from all perspectives.

    URL To Learn More:

    Top Two Interests:  Accessibility of digital content and platforms and SimplyE mobile app for ebooks, since that's my job, but like Christine and Michael I would be thrilled to get more information on all of the topics.

  • 6.  RE: February 2 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting - Virtual Introductions

    Posted Feb 01, 2021 10:25 PM
    • Name: Carmen Sanchez
    • Title: Collection Development and Acquisitions Supervisor
    • Organization: Rancho Cucamonga Public Library
    • My Role: Library
    • My Ebook Activities/Updates: launching SimplyE, continue to offer cloudLibrary and Hoopla platforms
    • URL To Learn More:
    • Top Two Interests: 
      • Licensing models and pricing
      • SimplyE mobile app for ebooks

    Carmen Sanchez
    Children's Services Librarian
    Rancho Cucamonga Library Services

  • 7.  RE: February 2 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting - Virtual Introductions

    Posted Feb 02, 2021 10:15 AM
    Looking forward to today's conversation!

  • Name: Wendy Cornelisen
  • Title: Assistant State Librarian
  • Organization: Georgia Public Library Service
  • My Role: State Library agency/distributor
  • My Ebook Activities/Updates: Georgia's ebook service for kids has seen double digit growth; SimplyE is up and running for 18/61 library systems.
  • URL To Learn More:
  • Top Two Interests: I agree, this is the hard part.
    • Licensing models and pricing
    • Research and data analysis
    • Accessibility of digital content and platforms
    • Curation and the patron experience with digital books
    • Difficult to find digital content
    • SimplyE mobile app for ebooks
    • Archival access to digital content

Take care,


Wendy Cornelisen

Assistant State Librarian for Innovation & Collaboration

Georgia Public Library Service

2872 Woodcock Blvd, Suite 250 | Atlanta, GA 30341

(404) 272-6170 |

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