Core Technical Services Workflow Efficiency Interest Group

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Purpose: Provides a forum to discuss and analyze techniques, new developments, problems and technological advances in the workflows associated with the evaluation, selection, acquisition, and discovery of library materials and resources.

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This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section.

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ALA Midwinter 2016 Meeting Presentations

  • 1.  ALA Midwinter 2016 Meeting Presentations

    Posted Jan 26, 2016 03:26 PM

    Hello all,

    The presentations from our meeting at ALA Midwinter 2016 have been posted. Below are the summaries and their corresponding filenames.

    Please let Annie or I know if you have trouble accessing these PDFs.


    Annie Glerum and Hayley Moreno, TSWEIG Co-Chairs


    filename: TSWEIG_MW15_Xu

    Streamlining ETD Processing at the University of Iowa Libraries using Trello Board

    Amanda Z. Xu, Metadata Analyst Librarian, University of Iowa Libraries

    The ETD processing at University of Iowa Libraries is a complex workflow requiring project management, collaboration with project stakeholders within the Cataloging and Metadata department and other departments in Digital Publishing and Preservation. The digital scholarship librarian receives XML and PDF files from ProQuest and the Preservation Metadata Librarian copies these files into an archive for digital preservation. Another copy of the files are generated for the Cataloging and Metadata department to process the ETDs for the Iowa Research Online (IRO) institutional repository and OCLC Connexion. This presentation will describe the workflows and collaboration of ETD processing at the University of Iowa Libraries, and the implementation of Trello Board for tracking the ETD workflow.


    filename: TSWEIG_MW15_MakFaulknerBarton

    Catalog ALL THE THINGS: Leveraging Automation to Catalog a Massive Audio-Visual Collection

    Lucas Mak, Metadata and Catalog Librarian; Autumn Faulkner, Head of Copy Cataloging; and Joshua Barton, Head of Cataloging and Metadata Services & Assistant Head of Technical Services, Michigan State University Libraries

    Michigan State University Libraries (MSUL) recently received a gift of more than 800,000 titles of sound and video recordings. Even though a minimal set of metadata was provided by the donor, the sheer quantity still posed an unprecedented challenge for cataloging. However, with the help of scripting and APIs for various online metadata sources, MSUL was able to catalog and make the collection available for circulation six months after the receipt of this gift. This presentation will discuss the design and execution of this automated workflow, limitations, unintentional consequences, responses to resulting problems, and follow-up record enrichment plans, as well as what we might do differently if we had the chance.


    filename: TSWEIG_MW15_Hollloway

    From Excel ETD Metadata to MARC Bib and NACO Records in  4 8 12 easy steps!

    Steven W. Holloway, Metadata Librarian, James Madison University

    At JMU the library receives ETD metadata from our institutional repository as bulk Excel files.  A combination of open source and home-grown XSLTs permit us to generate complete MARCXML RDA bibliographic records that we export to OCLC after minor editing, to which subject headings are assigned at a later point.  We also create NACO records for the dissertants, based on our asking the right questions in the ETD submission form, and use XSLT transformations for this as well. The XML files are stored and edited in an eXist-db (native XML database) instance set up as a web service.  There are several steps in the workflow but the system is scaled to accommodate many hundreds of ETD submissions at a time, and can be adapted for any spreadsheet-based metadata amenable to transformation into MARC or BIBFRAME formats.


    filename: TSWEIG_MW15_Akhtar

    From MODS to OCLC through the WorldCat Metadata API

    Shaun Akhtar, Metadata Librarian, Dartmouth College Library

    The Dartmouth College Library's MODS repository is its primary metadata source for local digital collections and items. The library wants to incorporate the original cataloging done in MODS for both legacy and new digital projects into WorldCat, in order to expose the metadata for the library’s unique resources on a global platform and establish OCLC record identifiers for local and external use. OCLC's WorldCat Metadata API presented a new opportunity to effectively meet this need. The library has developed a command-line batch processing tool that uses the Metadata API to create and update records using MODS-derived MARCXML. This presentation will explore the details of our workflow, how the tool has been developed to support our use cases, and what we've learned about the API so far. The tool is currently being piloted at Dartmouth to create master records in WorldCat for digital dissertations and archival posters. Its use may be expanded to a variety of other WorldCat-connected cataloging workflows for local collections. Written in Ruby, it provides detailed logging and reporting capabilities, and builds on code previously released by the OCLC Developer Network and Terry Reese.



    TSWEIG_MW16_Holloway.pdf   679 KB 1 version
    TSWEIG_MW16_Akhtar.pdf   418 KB 1 version
    TSWEIG_MW16_Xu.pdf   706 KB 1 version