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Posted By Megan Hodge May 15, 2024 03:46 PM
Found In Egroup: ACRL Assessment Discussion Group
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Hi, all, I'm not affiliated with this conference, but saw this post in the ACRL Connect community and thought it'd be of interest to the folks in this discussion group. I don't see a way of forwarding messages within Connect, though, so I've just copied and pasted the post here. If you have questions ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Apr 22, 2024 05:06 PM
Found In Egroup: ACRL Assessment Discussion Group
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Thanks so much to everyone who joined us today! In case they're of interest to others, we're posting a few links that were shared during today's chat: A presentation at the 2022 Library Assessment Conference (LAC) about assessment/UX librarian position descriptions: ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Jan 08, 2024 08:12 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Dear colleagues, On behalf of the ACRL IS Research and Scholarship Committee, I would like to draw your attention to the Research Agenda Conversation blog. The blog provides an opportunity for leading scholars in the field of information literacy to reflect on their own research and teaching practices. ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Oct 11, 2023 12:12 PM
Found In Egroup: ACRL Assessment Discussion Group
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Hi, all! A reminder that in one week we'll hold our monthly Third Tuesday Talk (TTT)! The next TTT will meet: Tuesday (of course!), October 17th, 3–4 p.m. ET. *We may rotate links among the co-chairs, depending on ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Oct 03, 2023 06:02 PM
Found In Egroup: ACRL Assessment Discussion Group
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Hi, all, We're just a couple weeks out from our next Third Tuesday Talk (TTT)! TTTs are an informal opportunity to share assessment projects we're working on, ask questions and troubleshoot issues, find collaborators, and make connections with others doing/interested in assessment. Our October ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Jun 01, 2023 05:50 PM
Found In Egroup: ACRL Assessment Discussion Group
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Hi, Assessment Discussion Group members! For our discussion topic this month, let's focus on DEIA (diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility). How have your libraries assessed your EDI initiatives? How have your libraries endeavored to ensure DEIA principles inform your assessment ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Sep 01, 2022 10:53 AM
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Thanks, Alice! Our framework/philosophy is intended to guide and inform all of my library's assessment efforts - collections, student learning, user satisfaction, program evaluation, etc. Example documents addressing any or all of those areas are welcome! Megan ---Megan Hodge (she/her) | pronounceHead, ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Aug 25, 2022 11:27 AM
Found In Egroup: ACRL Assessment Discussion Group
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Hi, colleagues, Our library will soon begin drafting an assessment philosophy/framework. We intend for this framework to guide the overall scope of and approach to assessment at our library. If your library has such a document/statement and you're willing to share it (or you're aware of a publicly ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Jul 27, 2022 03:46 PM
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Hi, all, I'm Megan Hodge, Head of Student Success at Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries and de facto assessment librarian until we hire one later this year (fingers crossed!). VCU Libraries' current assessment projects include: Determining our FY23 assessment objectives for eventual submission ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Mar 07, 2022 03:53 PM
Found In Egroup: ACRL Student Retention Discussion Group1
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Hi, all, My library will soon be recruiting for a new paraprofessional position focused on undergraduate outreach and student success. This position will support a librarian performing similar work. Do your libraries have paraprofessionals working in the area of student success? If so, do you have ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Jan 25, 2021 01:42 PM
Found In Egroup: ALA Council
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Hi, Muzghan, The ALA Policy Manual ( states that all meetings of the association must be open to members unless "the privacy of individuals or institutions" will be discussed. Even without this policy, ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Jan 13, 2019 07:58 PM
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Thank you for bringing this forward, Ann. Please include me as a seconder. ------------------------------ Megan Hodge Assistant Head for Teaching & Learning VCU Libraries ALA Councilor-at-Large ------------------------------
Posted By Megan Hodge Jan 11, 2019 12:48 PM
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I have no substantive suggestions to make to this resolution, but am excited to see it. Very hopeful the resolution will be passed, which, after the task force's work, will ultimately result in a more agile and nimble Council. ------------------------------ Megan Hodge Assistant Head for Teaching & Learning ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Nov 07, 2017 01:10 PM
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I will echo Dorcas' comments in that changing the job ad to 'prefer' rather than 'require' an MLS does not mean that applicants who have an MLS will be at a disadvantage, or that only candidates without an MLS will be considered; 'preferred' means there is a preference for the degree. We've heard ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Mar 19, 2017 04:45 PM
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Section II states that "Beyond merely avoiding the exclusion of materials representing unorthodox or unpopular ideas, libraries should proactively seek to include an abundance of resources and programming representing the greatest possible diversity of genres, ideas, and expression." Does this include ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Dec 16, 2016 10:05 AM
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Thank you for sharing these, Peter. I'm in favor of this resolution--changing the degree from a requirement to a preference seems the inclusive course of action which will open the pool up the the greatest number of qualified candidates--but I am curious about Area/Issue 2 in the Pros and Cons document: ...
Posted By Megan Hodge Jul 24, 2014 08:49 AM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Thanks for the clarification, Jonathan!
Posted By Megan Hodge Jul 14, 2014 03:04 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Hi, Kirby, Thanks for uploading the minutes so promptly! Question--what is "Gained $200 from the student of the year prize" talking about? My memory's fuzzy on this part of the meeting. Thanks! Megan