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Ms. Laurel Scheinfeld

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Laurel Scheinfeld

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Posted By Laurel Scheinfeld May 24, 2024 12:01 PM
Found In Egroup: Evidence Synthesis Methods Interest Group
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Hello, Where can the recording of the ELICIT demonstration be accessed? Thank you, Laurel Scheinfeld ------------------------------ Laurel Scheinfeld Health Sciences Librarian Stony Brook University Health Sciences Library ------------------------------
Posted By Laurel Scheinfeld Aug 01, 2023 08:04 AM
Found In Egroup: Health Sciences Interest Group
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We have the 5th Edition on EBSCO Ebooks. Laurel -- Laurel Scheinfeld MLS, AHIP-DLibrary Liaison to the School of Social Welfare and LI State Veterans Home Interim Liaison to School of Dental Medicine and Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care & BioethicsSpecialization in Systematic Review ...
Posted By Laurel Scheinfeld Jan 31, 2023 10:20 AM
Found In Egroup: Evidence Synthesis Methods Interest Group
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Thank you for compiling and sharing this resource guide! It has a wealth of information that is sure to be incredibly useful and I love the way it is organized. I really appreciate the teams' efforts. -Laurel -- Laurel Scheinfeld MLS, AHIP-DLibrary Liaison to the School of Social Welfare and LI ...
Posted By Laurel Scheinfeld Sep 23, 2022 08:15 AM
Found In Egroup: Evidence Synthesis Methods Interest Group
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Julia, University of Minnesota runs a training institute for SRs outside the health sciences Best,Laurel -- Laurel Scheinfeld MLS, AHIP-DLibrary Liaison to the School of Social Welfare, School of Dental Medicine, LI State Veterans Home ...
Posted By Laurel Scheinfeld May 27, 2022 09:07 AM
Found In Egroup: Evidence Synthesis Methods Interest Group
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Thank you Jane for the alert! I'm going to put this book on my list to order. I was looking around to see if it was available as an ebook (it isn't from GOBI) and I came across some online student tools that accompany the book and are available by creating a free instructor account even without purchasing ...
Posted By Laurel Scheinfeld Feb 04, 2022 09:46 AM
Found In Egroup: Health Sciences Interest Group
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Stony Brook University's Health Sciences Library is hiring a full-time, tenure track Health Sciences Librarian/Senior Assistant Librarian. Please follow this link for a full job description, and instructions on how to apply: -- Laurel Scheinfeld MSLIS, AHIP-DLibrary ...
Posted By Laurel Scheinfeld Jun 25, 2021 06:35 AM
Found In Egroup: Health Sciences Interest Group
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When you search PubMed I believe you are searching MEDLINE only. I'm not aware of a list of every database available. Is the student interested in biomedical databases only or ALL databases? There are many libguides with lists of recommended databases for systematic reviews but I'm not aware of a comprehensive ...
Posted By Laurel Scheinfeld Jun 11, 2021 12:45 PM
Found In Egroup: Evidence Synthesis Methods Interest Group
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-- Laurel Scheinfeld MSLISHealth Sciences LibraryStony Brook University Health Sciences Tower, Level 3, Rm 136Stony Brook, NY 11794-8034 she/herSocial Welfare Research GuideContinuity of Library Operations during COVID-19"Great opportunities to help others seldom come, ...