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Katie Odhner

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Katie Odhner

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Dear colleagues, We are seeking an incoming convener for the Academic Library Services to International Students Interest Group! For more information about the group please visit ACRL Interest Groups is lead by a three-person ...
Dear colleagues, We are seeking an incoming convener for the Academic Library Services to International Students Interest Group! For more information about the group please visit ACRL Interest Groups is lead by ...
Dear colleagues, See below for a call for IFLA's Library Services to Multicultural Populations online mini-conference, which is directly relevant to librarians working with international students! ---------------------------------------------- Call for Proposals: MCULTP Mini-Conference ...
Hello members of the ALSIS Interest Group! As you may have seen in Peggy's post last week, the convener team wants to learn more about how this interest group can support our members in providing services to international students. What topics do you want to learn more about? What kind of activities ...
Dear colleagues, This is a final reminder to register for our annual meeting next Wednesday, June 21st, 1 - 2 pm CT (2 -3 pm EST, previously incorrectly stated as 3 - 4 pm EST). We look forward to seeing you there! See below for the agenda: Agenda Welcome and announcements New officer introduction ...
Dear colleagues, See below for the agenda for our annual meeting on June 21st, 1 - 2 pm CT (3 - 4 pm EST). We're excited to welcome some excellent presenters. Please register here to get this event on your calendar. Agenda Welcome and announcements New officer introduction (FY23/24 Incoming ...
Dear colleagues, We welcome you to our annual meeting on June 21st, 1 - 2 pm CT (3 - 4 pm EST). For the Zoom link, please register here: Zoom registration. The meeting will feature panelists speaking about their work with international students, as well as announcements and group discussion. ...
Hi Chelsea, Sorry for the timeline confusion! The session was moved to next week. Here is the announcement: ________________________________________ Thanks to all who attended our 1st Roundtable discussion on Research skills, Information literacy and international students. If you missed that ...
Dear Colleagues, The Academic Library Services to International Students Interest Group is hosting a virtual panel on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 2-3pm Central Time (3-4pm Eastern Time) to discuss trends in academic library services to international students. We are seeking additional speakers. We ...
Hello ALSIS Interest Group! This is a reminder about that our first discussion will take place tomorrow on the topic of teaching research skills and information literacy skills to international students. This is an opportunity for members to come together, share ideas, discuss best practices and ...
Dear colleagues, We are seeking an incoming convener for the Academic Library Services to International Students Interest Group! For more information about the group please visit If you are interested, please ...
Hello ALSIS Interest Group! In response to the survey we ran in the fall, the interest group will be hosting several informal roundtable-type discussions on Zoom in the coming months. This is an opportunity for members to come together, share ideas, discuss best practices and network with colleagues ...
Hello members of the ALSIS Interest Group! I hope your semester is off to a good start. The convener team would love to learn more about how this interest group can support our members in providing services to international students. Want to participate in Zoom brown bags to talk over program ideas? ...
Hello everyone! We invite you to the ACRL Academic Library Services to International Students Interest Group Annual Meeting, June 29, 2022 (Wed) 1-2pm CT (2-3pm ET) via Zoom. Please register in advance at Agenda Officer introduction New officer ...
Dear Colleagues, The Academic Library Services to International Students Interest Group is hosting a virtual panel on Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 1-2pm Central Time (2-3pm Eastern Time) to discuss current challenges and opportunities in our work serving international students. We are seeking additional ...