Thank you, Yasmeen, Tarida, Amy for your feedback! My intention is to develop a set of the most essential set of AI competencies with this Task Force. We can build on it later for different areas of librarianship such as info lit, metadata, etc.
I have sent Allison the revised proposal to reflect that, and also a revised membership based on your feedbacks.
Thank you!
Leo S Lo, EdD, MLIS, MFA [he, him his]
Dean and Professor
College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences
University of New Mexico
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 13, 2024 09:20 AM
From: Amy Dye-Reeves
Subject: Pre-vote discussion 2/12/24 - 2/18/24
Good Morning,
I agree with Yasmeen and Tarida. As a former chair of NRCL, I would hate to give them more work. We are already asking them to take on so much, and their plan is robust now. This also applies to VAL. I didn't see that marked on the list. This does impact the institutional outcomes listed within their strategic goal. I do like that this is a task force for right now. It has the potential to be a robust discussion group as we continue to talk about these kinds of concerns. This could be looked at within the Enabling Programs and Services section of the form. People are looking for these types of programs for professional development.
I noticed the language has "AI experts." (Stakeholders section) Who are these people specifically? Are we thinking about copyright/fair usage specialists? We have some in our library that conduct AI for faculty in the libraries. But this person is also known as the Instructional Technology Specialist. I think the wording would also need to be changed or remained further.
Amy Dye-Reeves Head of LADC (Library of Architecture, Design, and Construction)
University Libraries
362 Duggar Concourse, Auburn, AL 36849
O: 334.844.1755
Original Message:
Sent: 2/12/2024 4:59:00 PM
From: Tarida Anantachai
Subject: RE: Pre-vote discussion 2/12/24 - 2/18/24
Thanks for passing this along, Allison, and to Leo for submitting this! Similar to some of what Yasmeen mentions, at a first read, this proposal seems to be focused on AI with regards to information literacy, teaching and student learning, etc., whereas I could see there being some other competencies that would be applicable those working in other areas beyond those. If the intent is to create AI competencies for information literacy, then the name and charge might need to be reframed slightly. If it's meant to be broader than that, then it might be worth thinking beyond the membership representatives listed. Thanks!
Tarida Anantachai (she/her), MSLIS
Director, Inclusion & Talent Management
NC State University Libraries
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 12, 2024 02:22 PM
From: Yasmeen Shorish
Subject: Pre-vote discussion 2/12/24 - 2/18/24
The task force addresses a need expressed in the field, although I have some thoughts on the finer details. The task force size might be too large...maybe 6-8 members would be more manageable? I wonder if there is an opportunity to do this work jointly with Core, so we don't have competing competencies depending on where you "sit" in an academic/research library. My last thought is that this effort probably aligns best with NRCL goal area since this work would extend beyond student learning...AI integration could include metadata QC, hiring, and many other aspects of the library. Thanks!
Yasmeen Shorish
Director of Scholarly Communications Strategies
James Madison University
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 12, 2024 10:25 AM
From: Allison Payne
Subject: Pre-vote discussion 2/12/24 - 2/18/24
Dear ACRL Board,
The Board is invited to review the attached request regarding the establishment of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Competencies for Library Workers Task Force and have a discussion during the period of 2/12/2024 - 2/18/2024. Board members should post comments and questions regarding this request using threaded discussion in ALA Connect.
Following the discussion period, the ACRL Board will vote asynchronously through a virtual vote on the establishment of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Competencies for Library Workers Task Force during 2/19/2024–2/25/2024. The ACRL Board will confirm its virtual vote at its next synchronous meeting.
Allison Payne, MLIS (she/her/hers) | ACRL Interim Executive Director
Association of College and Research Libraries | 225 N Michigan Ave., Suite 1300, Chicago, IL 60601 | 312-280-2519 |