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Marian Ekweogwu

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Marian Ekweogwu

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Posted By Marian Ekweogwu Jun 16, 2021 12:08 PM
Found In Egroup: Universal Accessibility Interest Group
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Hi! The Lifelong Information Literacy conference committee is excited to post the registration link for the free LILi 2021 Virtual Conference! Friday, July 9th, 10 am - 3 pm PDT Registration is FREE, though limited! Register by THURSDAY, JULY 1ST. Invites will be sent out the week of the ...
Posted By Marian Ekweogwu Feb 06, 2021 01:16 AM
Found In Egroup: SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)
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Thank you for sharing this story and right on UoL. Commitment to change must involve taking hard looks and expanding horizons beyond the status quo. My heart goes out to the librarians who got waylaid by their intransigent board. Marian Ekweogwu MLIS UIUC iSchool '21 Columbia University '05 ma ...
Posted By Marian Ekweogwu Oct 05, 2020 08:42 PM
Found In Egroup: SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)
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Hello! Hope you are all feeling fine fettle and having a good start to the week. My name is Marian and I am a second year MLIS student looking to learn and push the varieties of  learning in libraries. To that end, I am hoping to survey librarians who are involved with the Collections Development ...
Posted By Marian Ekweogwu Sep 08, 2020 07:41 PM
Found In Egroup: SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)
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That's fantastic Meg! And exactly what I've been encouraging others to do. I also, learned of some resources that might be helpful to those who aren't certain about what the #ScholarStrike could look like. There is this Anthea Butler video explaining the goals of the strike. And there is a compilation ...
Posted By Marian Ekweogwu Sep 05, 2020 09:37 PM
Found In Egroup: SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)
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Fantastic! And congratulations on successful retirement! I think spreading the word is one good way to show support. As an online student, I too felt hard pressed to know how to participate. But by spreading the word I'm connecting with like minded people and getting to see how different people are ...
Posted By Marian Ekweogwu Sep 04, 2020 04:22 PM
Found In Egroup: SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)
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Hey all, Hope you are all well and thriving, all things considered. Have you heard of the  #Scholar Strike that's being organised by Dr. Anthea Butler of UPenn and Kevin Gannon, director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Grand View University ? If so, how are you or your ...
Posted By Marian Ekweogwu Jul 31, 2020 12:17 AM
Found In Egroup: SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)
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Hello Conrad.  Thank you for your thoughts and frankness on EDI. Your point is well taken. My understanding is similar to yours, in that, often, EDI is oft-talked about and little acted upon. To me I think this hinges on the fact that it is as afterthought in most circumstances. By inculcating it into ...
Posted By Marian Ekweogwu Jul 28, 2020 10:41 PM
Found In Egroup: SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)
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Hello people of SRRT. I hope this message finds you well and thriving. My name is Marian and I'd like to introduce myself and hopefully connect with some of you. I am about to embark on my second and final year of the MLIS degree at UIUC. I'm deeply interested and invested in weaving EDI values into ...