SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table)

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The Social Responsibilities Round Table works to make ALA more democratic and to establish progressive priorities not only for the Association, but also for the entire profession. Concern for human and economic rights was an important element in the founding of SRRT and remains an urgent concern today. SRRT believes that libraries and librarians must recognize and help solve social problems and inequities in order to carry out their mandate to work for the common good and bolster democracy.

Learn more about SRRT on the ALA website.

REMINDER: Recruitment for a Survey on Social Services in Public Libraries

  • 1.  REMINDER: Recruitment for a Survey on Social Services in Public Libraries

    Posted Jan 06, 2025 03:18 PM
    Are you a public librarian with responsibilities in administration, adult services, or youth services? You are invited to participate in an online survey aimed at U.S. public librarians. The purpose of the survey is to examine the disposition of public librarians on changes to their professional scope of practice in the face of the expanding trend of placing social workers in public libraries to support community social services information needs, perform outreach, and engage in other activities that have previously fallen to public librarians as part of their job.
    The research is being conducted by Dr. Melissa Gross and Dr. Don Latham from Florida State University.
    The survey will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete and can be accessed using this link:  
    The survey is voluntary. You have the right to not participate in this study. By beginning the survey, you are consenting to participation. You may stop participating at any point simply by not completing the survey. The survey does not collect identifying information, so survey respondents are anonymous. The survey data will be handled in compliance with standard ethical principles.
    The study is funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and has been approved by the Florida State University Institutional Review Board. The data will be used to write research papers and make conference presentations. Survey data will be stored in the FSU DigiNole Research Repository after the project ends.
    The survey will close in February 2025. If you have any questions about this study, now or in the future, please contact:
    Dr. Melissa Gross
    School of Information
    Florida State University
    You can also contact the Florida State University Human Subjects Office at 850-644-7900 or at

    Brittany Baum
    PhD Candidate & RA
    School of Information
    Florida State University