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Miss Beth Jarrell

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Posted By Beth Jarrell Jan 12, 2024 11:04 AM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Hello NMRT Members! As the Online Programs Committee gears up for hosting a webinar for new-and-early career librarians, we want to hear from you! What sort of online programs for new librarians would you like to see that you haven't seen being offered anywhere? What webinar or program do you ...
Posted By Beth Jarrell Sep 12, 2023 04:07 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Erica, Thank you for your kind words- I am looking forward to engaging with you more in future discussions. I agree that the love/hate relationship really depends on the individual media you're consuming- or what your patrons are! Working in a public library we have people every day who hush their ...
Posted By Beth Jarrell Sep 12, 2023 04:04 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Ashley, YES, the cardigan stereotype is absolutely true and accurate. Once at my home library, a patron came in with a box full of cardigans for staff, saying they didn't know where else to take them! I'll take the cozy cardigan stereotype any day! ------------------------------ Beth Jarrell Librarian ...
Posted By Beth Jarrell Sep 12, 2023 04:02 PM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Sylvie, I agree with the shushing stereotype (and how it needs to go!) being harmful for our profession. We know libraries and library work is ever-evolving and changing, and it would be nice to see that represented in media! ------------------------------ Beth Jarrell Librarian Sanibel Public ...
Posted By Beth Jarrell Sep 08, 2023 10:56 AM
Found In Egroup: NMRT (New Members Round Table)
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Hello everyone! My name is Beth Jarrell, and I am a co-chair of the Online Programs Committee. This year, the Online Discussion Committee and Online Programs committees have merged into one big, fabulous committee. Each month we will be posting discussion questions on various topics, some silly, some ...