(links to the audio file and PDF versions of the slides are at the end of this post)
The ALCTS CCS Electronic Resources Interest Group presented a panel discussion "Pay-Per-View Options: Is Transactional Access Right For My Institution?" on Saturday, July 11, 2009, from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Presenters and participants shared their experiences and questions related to providing access to journal content without submitting their bottom lines to costly and sometimes little-used journal subscriptions.
The panel included:
Pay Per View – Where We Were, Where We Are and Where Are We Going Next?
Beth R. Bernhardt, Presenter
Jackson Library
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Between 2002 and 2003, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) set up several different types of pay-per-view options that provided users with over 3,500 unsubscribed titles. A few years later the library set up access to many of these titles through Consortium Big Deals. This presentation will talk about what options the library experimented with, what is still there, compare its pay-per-view statistics with its big deals and discuss how libraries might use pay-per-view options in the coming years.
Developing a Pay-Per-View Model in a Financially Challenging Budget Year
Nicole Mitchell and Elizabeth Lorbeer, Presenters
Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Anticipated reductions at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, for fiscal year 2009/2010 will result in a content budget of roughly half what it was four years ago. The library went from having packages with almost every commercial and society publisher to just a few packages in 2009. Over 4,500 titles were cancelled for 2009, with only 52 journals being reinstated by user request. In exploring a solution for next fiscal year, the library began to investigate investing twenty percent of its journal budget to subsidized pay-per-view by setting up deposit accounts with the publishers, with a goal to significantly lower user fees for article access.
Fast Food Nation/Google Generation/Financial Down Turn ... Meet the Library
Ryan Weir and Ashley Ireland, Presenters
Murray State University
Murray, Kentucky
Murray State University recently initiated a project that will be the inaugural step in its transition to both providing optimized digital access and changing the landscape of its journal acquisitions from a model that has been traditionally print to one that is primarily electronic. Alongside this transition, the library recently added a just-in-time element to its previous just-in-case-only model. The presentation also addressed the driving forces behind the library's decisions, its selection of Science Direct as a vendor, the implementation process, the outcomes, and where the library sees itself headed in the future.
Transactional Access: A Publisher's Take
Mark Rothenbuhler
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The final presentation offered the perspective of a major publisher about its experiences offering streamlined article access via prepaid tokens, including the realities and potential benefits of transactional access to journal articles to libraries and publishers, plus suggestions as to what libraries should be thinking about.
Following the presentations, several participants asked questions and shared their own experiences.
Click here to listen to the entire panel presentation (1 hour, 12 minutes).