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CC:DA response to RSC/ORDAC/2024/1 

Mar 15, 2024 03:50 PM

CC:DA response to RSC/ORDAC/2024/1 sent to NARDAC 15 March 2024.

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Mar 18, 2024 09:38 AM

Hi Amanda!

Can you move this comment to the discussion page under 

CC:DA response to RSC/ORDAC/2024/1? That way everyone can read it. Normally we don't comment on the library page since it's harder to keep track of the threaded conversations.

To respond to a couple of your questions:

Unfortunately, due to the RSC's timeline we get very little time to respond when there is a proposal. Most working groups and organizations send in their proposals at the deadline, which is like 3-4 weeks out from the next RSC meeting date. So we have to get our responses to NARDAC in like 10 days so they can write all THEIR communities responses up and send it to RSC before the deadline. We have been in ongoing discussions with NARDAC (who are not happy with the situation either) about how short the time is to get in a coherent response. We've talked about this problem at length during the last two CC:DA meetings but really we're not at all in control of the timeline. So we have to deal with this.

To respond to your other concerns:

These are cases in which the official name of the place or organization is in two languages. It isn't possible to split them up into separate fields because it would only be a part of a name. NACO rules for the formulation of headings state categorically that you take the name as you find it, so with a name like Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities  that is the thing's actual name. You can't separate out the first bit in Maori from the second bit in English because they aren't parallel--Kāinga Ora doesn't mean "Homes and communities" in Maori. According to NACO rules when this organization's name is established it has to be in the official form that is used by the organization, which is Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities. Right now the rules in RDA don't address these issues so that's what the paper is trying to do.


Mar 16, 2024 09:21 PM

Hi Amanda:

I hope this message finds you well.  I am surprised that we moved this proposal to recommendation so quickly.   I think that there are a few things that we need to discuss before you submit it on Monday. 

As far as I am concerned, recording a name using multiple languages as a single string in one name field can have some consequences that we may want to consider:

Search Accuracy: When a name is recorded in multiple languages as a single string, search accuracy may be affected. Users searching for a specific name in a particular language may not find the desired result if the name is presented as a mixed string of multiple languages.
Display Issues: Displaying a name that includes multiple languages in a single string can be challenging. Different languages may have varying character sets and text direction, which could impact the readability and presentation of the name in our catalog or discovery interface.
Data Integrity: Combining multiple languages in a single string may complicate data management and maintenance. It could lead to potential errors in data entry, updates, and consistency across records.
Authority Control: Maintaining authority control for names recorded in multiple languages as a single string can be more complex. Ensuring consistency and accuracy in cross-references and linked data may require additional effort.
User Experience: Users may find it confusing or challenging to navigate a catalog or discovery system if names are not consistently recorded and displayed in a way that aligns with their expectations.
To mitigate these consequences, we may want to consider alternative approaches, such as using separate name fields for each language or utilizing standardized formats that support multilingual data representation, e.g. using 880 field. This can help maintain data integrity, improve search accuracy, and enhance the overall user experience in our library system.   Thank you so much for your consideration!!!  Amanda 


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