Core Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group

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ALCTS CaMMS Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group: Program at Midwinter 2015 

Dec 17, 2014 01:22 PM

Join us for the ALCTS CaMMS Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group Meeting in Chicago! 

Friday, January 30th

1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

McCormick Place West


The meeting will be divided into two different parts. 

Part 1: 1:00-2:30:  Educating Catalogers: the State of the Art.   

Three library science educators will present their perspectives on the state of cataloging and metadata education. Panelists will address course content, the balancing of theory and practice, and pedagogical approaches. Discussion will explore the challenges of teaching cataloging in the context of the broader, and rapidly evolving, metadata landscape. One of our co-Vice-Chairs, also a teacher of cataloging in library school, will moderate.  

We have asked speakers to focus their remarks on the following questions:

  • What do you teach in your beginning and advanced cataloging courses? 

  • Does your course content focus more on theory or practice?

  • Has your approach to teaching changed over time? If so, how?

  • How do you stay up-to-date on cataloging topics and practices?

  • What are the challenges of teaching cataloging in the context of metadata work expanding to serve users of cultural heritage, special, and archival collections?

  • Has the increased adoption of discovery layers--most of which rely on relevance ranking and don't utilize authority data--impacted how you teach bibliographic and authority work?


Shawne Miksa, Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, University of North Texas

Gretchen Hoffman, Associate Professor, School of Library and Information Studies, Texas Woman's University

Allyson Carlyle, Associate Professor, iSchool, University of Washington


Karen Snow, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Dominican University


Part 2: 2:30-4:00: Drafting a Cataloging Competencies Document.  

Following a brief break, the group will host an interest session on the drafting a competencies document for cataloging and metadata professionals, where we will identify whether such a document is useful to the community, learn of similar endeavors in the past, and identify potential partners in the drafting of a competencies document that may be shared broadly for community comment.


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