Hello everyone,
We'll look to the numbers for our informal drop-in zoom session on Wednesday, April 10 to engage and share experiences with budgets, accounting, and ways to improve the efficiency and impact of our limited resources. Bring your questions to the hive mind of library leaders and managers; we may not have all of the answers, but these events provide a safe setting for exchange and support. One article we have found particularly useful is on narrative budget models!
As before, this will be an informal, lightly moderated, synchronous zoom discussion session starting at 10am PST -- 11am MTN -- 12pm CST -- 1pm EST.
Participants can stop in for a minute or stay for the entire session. The sessions are not recorded to encourage open and honest discussion. Core has set up the following registration link for our discussion sessions. Click here to register for the April 10 event (ala-events.zoom.us/meeting/register/....). You will receive an e-mail with the zoom link for this event and others in the spring series.
We'll have an additional event on May 8 at the same time. Details to follow, but mark your calendars.
We look forward to your participation!
Erik and Cinthya (co-chairs)
Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group
Cinthya Ippoliti
Auraria Library Director
University of Colorado Denver; Metropolitan State University of Denver; Community College of Denver