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Update--or lack thereof--of CC:DA meeting times at ALA

  • 1.  Update--or lack thereof--of CC:DA meeting times at ALA

    Posted Apr 03, 2024 12:40 PM

    Hi folks:

    Since several people have asked, I still have no firm dates or times for the two 3-hour CC:DA meeting sessions at Annual in San Diego--thanks ALA room planning folks.

    I do know we are meeting Saturday afternoon, June 29, because I had to check on a potential conflict with the NARDAC update on Saturday.  Thankfully, it turns out that is in the morning on Saturday, so one bullet dodged. I was told that normally they honor times asked for unless there are no rooms, so my assumption is that we will have the second half of our meeting on Monday morning July 1st, but I don't have absolute confirmation of that. I'm hoping that meeting will be shorter so we can get out in a timely manner so people can hop a plane if they need to. 

    I'll let everyone know the minute I get confirmation; ALA is saying the end of April which isn't really helpful for those trying to register as earlybirds and make sure that the scheduling will work for them, but unfortunately we have no control over it. So stay tuned, I'll let you know when they tell me. As usual, our meetings are public and open to any and all ALA attendees. 

    Happy spring.

    Amanda Sprochi
    Cataloger/Data Wrangler
    60 Ellis Library
    University of Missouri
    520 S 9th St.
    Columbia, MO 65211

    The University of Missouri occupies the traditional land of the Osage, Kiikaapoi, Peoria, and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ peoples.