Core Data & Analytics Interest Group

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Sharing Data Analystics, Reporting and Dashboard Examples

  • 1.  Sharing Data Analystics, Reporting and Dashboard Examples

    Posted Jul 03, 2024 06:14 PM

    We're currently undertaking what we call our Big Data Project, which is an effort to unify all of our system-wide metrics in one place.  In our case, these will be PowerBI (which is a migration from SQL reporting and custom developed visualizations).  We're definitely interested in seeing some of the best that the library communities are producing in terms of visualizations that have been particularly meaningful at telling good data stories to their public communities.

    If you have a dashboard, visualizations or reports that you'd like to show off.  Please share those, because it would be great to see some examples of best practices in data sharing, analysis and communication.

    Brian Lee
    Director of Technology
    Pierce County Library System