Core Copy Cataloging Interest Group

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last person joined: 22 days ago 

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About this Group

👐 Anyone can view all content in the group, but only people who join it can post to it. Anyone can join to participate.

Purpose: Discusses informally common problems concerning copy cataloging, including discussions on quality control of copy cataloging units, workflows in copy cataloging, copy cataloging of all kinds of materials (monographs, serials, audiovisuals, etc.), staffing needs in copy cataloging, training of copy cataloging, effects of changes in cataloging standards, and technology on copy cataloging.

This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section.

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Seeking chair for the Core Copy Cataloging Interest Group

  • 1.  Seeking chair for the Core Copy Cataloging Interest Group

    Posted Aug 22, 2024 09:09 AM

    Good morning/afternoon,

    We're looking for a new chair for Core Copy Cataloging Interest Group. There's a good description about how our Interest Groups work on our website, but the primary responsibilities are facilitating discussion (posting a question, linking to an article, or otherwise jumpstarting conversation a few times a year) and filling out an online form twice a year describing any activities that happened in the past 6 months.

    Beyond that, chairs can hold online, synchronous discussions in Zoom, submit conference or online education program proposals, participate in Interest Group Week, run an e-forum discussion via email, or coordinate group members who want to build resources for the profession (toolkits, resource guides, checklists, best practices, etc.). All these additional opportunities are optional, though.


    Please email Thomas Ferren at if you're a Core member who is interested in chairing this group; without a chair the Group will need to be dissolved.


    Nicole Smeltekop, on behalf of the Core Interest Group Coordination Committee 

    Nicole Smeltekop
    Special Materials Catalog Librarian
    Michigan State University Libraries