Just a reminder that the Digital Conversion Interest Group will be hosting the following presentations during CORE Interest Group Week. This Zoom session is scheduled for Tuesday, March 5th at 11:00am CST. After each session, the audience will be given an opportunity to ask questions and engage in brief discussion.
Register for this session
Title: How to move a digitization studio, in a few (!) easy steps
The Digital Production Group at the University of Virginia was given the opportunity to move its workspaces into the newly renovated main library. This space improvement project allowed for selection of color scheme, lighting, as well as the relocation of equipment. This included 4 medium format camera workstations, a Cruse Scanner, and an Atiz Bookdrive scanner. This talk will cover the pursuit of the perfect studio space, relocation of staff, management of the move, and lessons learned.
Presenters: Christina Deane (University of Virginia) and Eze Amos (University of Virginia)
Title: Developing a Mass Digitization Workflow for Negatives
In this presentation, members of the Digital Initiatives Team at Brigham Young University will discuss how they developed a mass digitization workflow for negatives for the purpose of digital public access. The presentation will include discussions on how to grapple with FADGI, the scale of the collection, the needs of the curator/public, digital preservation concerns, and finalizing decisions that determine the digitization process. There will also be details on the digitization process that highlight using Phase One and Digital Transitions equipment.
Presenters: Marissa Bischoff (Brigham Young University) and Abby Beazer (Brigham Young University)
For more information on CORE Interest Group Week and the Digital Conversion Interest Group, please visit the following info page.
Hope to see you there!
Beth R.
Bethann Rea
Digital Collections Management Librarian
Penn State University Libraries