Please join the Core Metadata Interest Group at ALA Annual for its annual meeting on Sunday, June 26, 2022 from 4:00-5:30 p.m, Washington Convention Center, 146C. This group facilitates active conversation among librarians and information professionals about projects, ideas, and practical use cases related to library metadata.
This year's meeting will take the form of an interactive discussion on return-to-work during the COVID-19 pandemic. The discussion will center on challenges and opportunities arising from the move from remote work back to "normal"--whether that means remote, hybrid, or in-person work. In small groups, share your experiences and perspectives to answer questions including:
- What are organizations' models for return-to-work, and what are the pros and cons of these models for cataloging and metadata units?
- How does the new model impact your metadata role, responsibilities, training/professional development, and metadata work?
- How have users' experiences with searching and accessing library collections changed and how have these changes impacted your metadata work?
- What innovations and reconceptualizations have emerged from the shift to a "new normal"?
- What have we learned and what can we leverage to move forward in the "new normal"?
The Metadata Interest Group business meeting and officer elections will follow the discussion. Results of the 2022 MIG Programming Survey will be presented during the business meeting.
We look forward to seeing you at ALA!
Elisa Naquin
Metadata & Digital Strategies Librarian
Louisiana State University