Thanks, Timothy, for keeping us informed.
Anyone can respond individually, so if you'd like to have an impact on RDA, please feel free to reply directly to Timothy regarding these three proposals.
Melissa Zilic (she/her/hers)
Communications Co-Chair, Metadata Interest Group
Metadata Librarian for Digital and Electronic Resources
DePaul University, Chicago
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 30, 2024 08:26 AM
From: Timothy Mendenhall
Subject: RDA proposals: please send comments by 29 Sept.
Dear MIG colleagues,
I'm writing with an update relating to the RSC Extent Working Group discussion paper mentioned yesterday: RSC/ExtentWG/2024/1/rev2. The Core Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) task group to formulate an ALA response to this discussion paper has completed its draft response ahead of schedule. I've attached the response paper to this post. CC:DA would like to send its response to the RSC discussion paper by 1 October, so please send me your comments on the RSC discussion paper and on the CC:DA response paper by 29 September.
Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him)
Metadata Librarian, Columbia University
CORE Metadata Interest Group Liaison to CC:DA
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 29, 2024 09:31 AM
From: Timothy Mendenhall
Subject: RDA proposals: please send comments by 29 Sept.
Dear Core Metadata Interest Group colleagues,
There are three RDA proposals and discsussion papers which will be discussed at the upcoming RDA Steering Committee (RSC) meeting in November. Please review them and send any comments or feedback to me--read on for details. Your comments will help Core Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) formulate the official ALA response to these proposals, and can potentially impact whether the proposals are approved or further revised. For all three proposals, please send me your comments by 29 September--see below for a possible exception relating to the Extent proposal.
- Discussion paper on the development of RDA Extent elements: RSC's Extent Working Group provided a revised version of this discussion paper last month: RSC/ExtentWG/2024/1/rev2. Because this is a very extensive paper with a potentially substantial impact on RDA, CC:DA formed a task force to prepare the ALA response to the paper. They are hoping to complete a draft of the response by 15 September, but it may still be possible to send in comments before the end of September.
- Proposal to revise definitions of aggregate, aggregating work and Aggregates Guidance : Please send me any comments by 29 September. This proposal originated as a fast track suggestion and was referred to the full proposal process as an outcome of the July 2024 RSC meeting. The abstract says: "Modifications of the definitions for aggregate and aggregating work are proposed for RDA, as well as revisions to the guidance for aggregates in RDA Toolkit, informed by observations from LIS trainers in teaching RDA contacted by the Education and Orientation Officer. The changes de-emphasize the role of the aggregating expression in both the definitions and the guidance."
- Proposal to add glossary definitions for fictitious entity and non-human entity : Please send me any comments by 29 September.
In other CC:DA news, please save the date for the midwinter 2025 CC:DA meeting: 6 Feb. 2025 and 7 Feb. 2025, 1PM-4PM Eastern US.
Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him)
Metadata Librarian, Columbia University
CORE Metadata Interest Group Liaison to CC:DA