Core Publisher-Vendor-Library Relations Interest Group

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Purpose: Provides connectivity between publishers, libraries, and vendors. We strive to bridge gaps in communication among these groups by supplying ongoing training opportunities, hosting discussion groups, and presenting information on current and future trends through ALA programs and eforums.

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  • 1.  PVLR - Interest Group Week session on Outward Mindset

    Posted Apr 05, 2024 10:00 AM

    If you missed our group's Interest Week presentation on using the Arbinger Outward Mindset perspective to improve communication, here's the link to the recording:



    Description of Session:

    The Publisher, Vendor, Library Relations Interest Group exists to foster communication between these three integral parts of the Library supply chain, always appreciating that economic or social pressures can sometimes introduce negativity into these relationships. In this IG Week session, we would like to offer the Arbinger Outward Mindset perspective on how we can more intentionally communicate with each other, transforming inward- to outward-focused mindsets and offering tools to better communicate with each other. This session will include an overview of the Arbinger approach as well as practical applications of the Outward Mindset patterns on common blocks that appear between Publishers, Vendors, and Libraries, which you can also apply to your everyday lives.





    Claire Holloway  (she/her)
    OCLC · Manager, Publisher Relations, Business Development
    6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, OH 43017-3395 USA


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  • 2.  RE: PVLR - Interest Group Week session on Outward Mindset

    Posted Apr 05, 2024 10:06 AM

    Thanks Claire!